Page 74 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 74

Some Stuff I Wrote (2001) H. Morris Williams

                        Terrell “Biddie” Crawford (CHS, 1941): Biddie Crawford is without question one of the

                 greatest and most dedicated athletes ever to attend CHS. He was an Honorable-Mention All
                 Southern football player who loved the game best when the knocking was the hardest. But as much

                 as he loved football, his first love was track and field-he thrived on the challenge of individual
                 competition, “me against him.” Through hard work and the coaching genius of Hobart Hooser,

                 Biddie’s reward was that he and his equally talented brother Frank were selected to represent Florida
                 in the Pan Am games to be held in Havana, Cuba-what amounted to Olympic tryouts. Biddie was

                 set .to compete in the high hurdles, low hurdles, pole vault, and relays against the hemisphere’s best.
                 But Biddie’s high hopes turned to disappointment when the games were cancelled due to the dangers
                  of World War II. So Biddie Crawford, the great track athlete, went to war rather than to the Pan Am

                  games. By the time the war ended, Biddie was past athletic prime and had to get on with the
                  business of making a living. But looking back, it’s not impossible to think that Biddie Crawford-and

                  his brother Frank-might have starred in those Pan Am games and gone on to the Olympics .
                         Edna Black Hindson (CHS, 1957): Edna had polio when she was six years old and it left

                  her wearing a leg brace. Even so, she went on to compile outstanding achievements both in and out
                  of school. She was state president and regional vice president of Children of the American

                  Revolution; first-place winner of the Florida oratorical contest at the Latin Forum; and a member of
                  the Jacksonville Junior Symphony Orchestra. Also, in her junior year in high school she was

                  selected to attend Girl’s State in Tallahassee. But, incredibly, on the eve of her departure, serious
                  concerns were raised as to her fitness to go due to her “handicap”. To make a long story short, she

                  went anyhow and here’s what she accomplished when she got there. She was elected mayor of her
                  “city”, Judge of her “county” and attorney general of Girls’ State. She was chosen one of the

                  “Twelve Most Outstanding Girls” and nominated to represent Florida at Girls’ Nation-all these
                  honors for a young woman who was determined that people should see ability, not disability, in the

                  handicapped. Today Edna serves as coordinator of handicapped services at LCCC where her
                  program has won national recognition.


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