Page 18 - chs-1947
P. 18

fURR  y
                                                      I'RA  'Kll  T
                                             f  F.   .,  I,  2,  ~.  R  porter;  I rtCildl},  ,f,f,g  nl.
                                                        Rl L  I  M  BRII>I
                                   l  alln  (  lub,  l,  \  1ce-Pre 1dent;  Honor  o  1 t},  l,  4,  Pre  •dent;   h  p1  n
                                   "lo  1et},  2,  l,  4,  Pre 1dent,  4;  Po  ture  (  lub,  I;  "P•  klc  1n  PKkle ,"
                                   4,  "   Date  \\'nh  Judy,"  4;  'J  i •er  Staff,   1 t  nt  I ditor;   nnual  Staff,
                                   4;   lot  lnt  II  tual  c,.rl;  D.A  R.  (iood  (  ltl:ten;  IJ  bu  !Old  bram   a11d
                                                    hraul}  J,m'l  go  logrtbcr.

                                                      I  'C.I. 'I  ,  OI  ,! I
                                      I.  A.,  I,  2,  "leaetarv  and  'J re  urer,   ,  Pre  ident;  ,lc  (  lub,  2,  3;
                                   "H.II  B.ll}  "iue,"  2;  football,  2,  l,  4;  I.  I.  A.  Ba  cball,  4;  1·.  1·.  A.
                                      Quartet,  2,  3,  4;  School  Quartet,  4;  ">hort,  durk  1111.!  at  /11 r.

                                                 Bl  VI All  Ill  PI ARC  I  ~:\IITII
                                   4-11  (  lub,  I;  Po\turc  (  lub,  2;  L•bran  A  \IHant,  I,  2;  ,\farru·d,
                                                        ulh/ct,, -mmdc).

                                                        JI.LtY  PIRRY
                                    I.  1·.  A.,  I;  Library  A\St  ant,  I,  .2,  l;  \f,,s  llulthcr,o11'1  "( bnub."

                                                     CAROl y,'  PIIILBI C K
                                   I attn  (  lub,  l,  "llLretary;  I uture  Homemakcn,  3;  Honor  ouety,  3,  4;
                                   Pmture  (  lub,  I,  )euetary  and  Trea  urer  of  the  Junior  (lass;  l.11t'rgcllt,

                                                        JIA   RI.VII"l
                                     "ltudcnt   ounctl,  I,  2,  )pant\h  (  lub,  2,  3,  Reporter,  4;  Honor  ouety,
                                   l,  4,  The\ptan  )ouet}.  4,  Posture  Club,  2;  \"tee  Pre\ident  of  Sen or
                                   (  l.t  \;  Annual  "ltatf,  Tiger  )tatf;  (  Ia\\  Poet;  D.  A.  R  American  Htstorv
                                            \tcdal,  _\;  .\fmt  I  tkcl}  to  ULceed;  Dd1,1,t nl,  annablc.   .
                                                   ,\fAR Y  BI  I  L  ROGI  R S
                                         .lee  (  lub,  I, 2;  Ltbrary   \\istant,  I,  2,  \\ tttte\t  (,irl;  I ncrgrllt,

                                                      \tARil '1-  ROS  IR
                                   I.ttin  (  lub,  l,  4,  Treasurer;  "("  Club,  4;  Honor   oc.tety,  3,  4;
                                   The,pian  Souety,  4;  Band,  3,  4;  Po\ture   lub,  I,  2;  Itbrary  As\iHant,
                                   I;  "Bett}  Behave,"  4;  "A  Date  \\'1th  Judy,"  4;  Annual  Staff;  Rt'lt'r! cd,
                                                    lot d}  b.ur und complt \lOll.
                                                     RI BI K  H  SCOlll'l D
                                    tudent   ouncil,  l;   pan1sh  Club,  2,  3,  freasurer,  3;  Honor  OLtety,
                                   3,  4;  "Ptckle\  ts  PtLkle  ,"  4;  Annual   taff,  4;  Clas  Htstory;  Qu11'1,
                                                    dt pcndahlc,  COIIH 111111011.1.

                                                       LU  ILLF   H  \\
                                   Tram fer  from  Union   ounty  High  chool,  2;  Glee   lub;  ec.retary  of
                                                   la\s,  I,  2;  Fucn,l/),  con.r:,uual

                                                     :\1  RY  ILL   \11TH
                                               "Ptckle   1  Pickle  ;"  WIll),  Ia/kaiii r.
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