Page 23 - chs-1947
P. 23
TAU 01 THI ll I l
-J an R 1 I .
I it h and recall rho ch ol d y of old
think of the talc rho e hall could h.n e t ld,
tori th. t we:-c unn ·•
nd torie, th.n \ ere ad,
The tori of the ood hildrcn,
nd rho c of the b. d.
Do' •n rho c hall man · d.l) have '' e trod,
Drcadin the ho lnu ter and hi terrible rod.
~ Ie told u to from th hi tory book,
Bur \'e al ·ay got out of it b, orne "hook or crook."
"\\'c. the people of thL C 1·r~o:d t te ," ' e '·ould clunt.
\Ve rudied of Lin oln, hun .tn, l ce, .md C,rant.
"Two plu two is four," h tat d.
\'\' e often wondered wh ' arithmetic \ '.1 ever cre.tted.
A we a~· the creek glimmer .md , li-.t n in the himnrring un,
\\' e ould hardly ''.lit till the chool d.ty .1 done.
All down the street \ •e would run .md pl.ty,
Joyou , at the end of a long chool d.1y.
~ ·'e l.tughed and \'e ang,
\V e played and we cried.
Tho e day are gone,
But our memorie'> h.l\'cn 't died.
\'\ e le.1rncd through o;tru •gling orne t\\Cnt ·-odd )e.u.
That life i nude up of ~miles .md tc.u .
nd .1 I it here .md rec.tll tho e 'i hool (Lty of old,
think of the ule., tho'>e h.1lls could h.t ve told,
tories that were funny,
torie th.H were ad,
tories of the good children,
nd rho e of the bad.
-Bell) I d{c/
Our ,od, our help in .1gc-. p.t..r,
our hope for to come
\\ e rh.tnk thee for rhv guid,tncc
through our sch~l ye.u.,
\\ c thank thee for the opportunity
to go to s hool;
ror the teachers who h.tve led
and directed us on our journe)
\~' e pra ' that thou will guide
.md direct us a'i we go out into the world
Fill our h arts \'ith thy Ion-, tL·ach u rh · w.t • .,,
and cnnch our lives with service
Forgi' e u<; of all our p.1st f.1ilures .md hortcoming
and en.1ble us
To re.1ch out for those thing., th 1t arc hi h .wd noble,
following hric;t as our e .1mplc
\\'e humbly asl· in hrist' n.1me,
Am n.