Page 20 - chs-1947
P. 20

JA  1l ~  HI. 'R Y  TYRE
                                    4-H  Jud  tn   I cam,  \;  F.  f.   .,  I.  3,  4,  Pre 1dent,  4;  Honor   o  1et),
                                    3,  4;  Glee  (  lub,  I,  2;  l1braq   1 tant,  I,  2;   nnual  tatf,  4;   ~hool
                                          Quartet,  4;  "H.JI  B1ll}  Sue,"  2;  qutrl  ami  tudtoUI.

                                                       lYR Til   ,.ALDRO.
                                          Glee  (Jub,  3;  Po  ture  Club,  I,  2;  \tmplr  and  uetl.

                                                       BI TTY  \\'ILLIA\1
                                    l.Hm  Club,  2,  3;  Sergeant-at-ArM   2;  Po  ture   lub,  I,  2;   Ia
                                    I re.1  urer,  2;  Ba  ketball,  3;  T1ge   Stat·,  4;  I·nenJiie t  G•rl;  Sunn}
                                                           .li fm  ilum
                                                      GI R  LD  \\'ILLIA.\1
                                     f·.  F.  A.  I,  2,  3;  \\' atch  Dog,  2;  tate  PLuner  Degree,  3;  Football,  2,
                                                 3,  4;  } .  F  A.  Ba~eball team;  Dtlt  mi.

                                                      HAROLD  \\'ILLIA \15
                                    "("   lub,  3,  4;  I·.  F.   .,  I;  Glee  Club,  3,  football,  2,  3,  4;  Bas-
                                      ketball,  I,  3,  4;  Track,  3,  4;  "luncheon  for   IX",  '-,/ack-o-bone!.
                                                  Cll.IJ  HOI  fZC LAUGH  \\ Il  O.
                                    latm  Club,  3;  Glee  Club,  3,  L1brary  Assistant,  2;  .\farm•./,  f{ood-
                                                       nulurc,/,  mtclligenl.

                                                     \AU , 'TI.  I- \\'OODF LL
                                    Student  (ounc.J,  2,  ~panish  Club,  3,  4,  Pre  •dent,  4;  Honor  oc•ety,
                                    3,  4,  Scc.ruar}  and  Treamrer  4;  T1ger  tatf,  Assistant  Editor;  Annual
                                            Staff,  4;  "P•cklcs  IS  Pickles";  '-,me ere,  dependable.

                                                         BI:TTE  \\ OOD
                                    <ipam\h  Club,  3,  \'ice-President,  4;  Honor  oc1ety,  3,  4;  Clas  V•ce-
                                    Prc\ident,  3;  Posture  Club,  2;   lass  Reporter,  4;  Basketball,  3;  Whll-
                                                            tle  bart.

                                                         BILLY  \\ITT
                                            F.  F.  A.,  I,  2,  3;  L1brary  A  sistant,  1;  Axrceable.

                                                         OT  PICTURI'D
                                                        GI RAID  \\'ILLIS
                                    "C"   lub,  3,  \'icc-Pre  ident,  4;  Thespian   oc1ety,  4,  Reporter;
                                    L1brary  Asmtan t,  3;  Annual  tatf,  4;  Basketball,  I,  2,  3,  4;  Football,
                                      3,  4;  .\1ost  Athletic  Boy;  Ou es  his  beau f)  to  sleeping  on  Monda).
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