Page 58 - chs-1952
P. 58
First Row- Left to Rtght Donald H1ggs, Howard Hurst. Mason Joye, Ralph Bell. Robert H1ggs, Al-
bert Greene, Gerald Brannon, Luther Hugg1ns, R1p Rowan Billy Ogden.
Second Row Left to R1ght: Eugene Gemmer. Delano Cason, F1tz Lee, Harold Coats. Martm Page,
Ed Melzer, Martm Regtster, Warren MacLann. Frank Lee. Hal Griffin, Asst. Coach
Thtrd Row Left to R1ght: Broughton Williams. Head Coach. Harold Taylor, Stanley Anders, Fran-
cis Kelly, Morrison Melton. Gene Cox, C.C, Hoyt Horne. J1m Caldwell. Walter Fay, Asst. Coach.
Fourth Row -Left to R1ght: Weston Coleman Earl Boyett, Lamar Ellis. C C. Cook1e Johnson. Lyn-
wood Burns. John Woods. Tommy Ashley, Jack Walker, Manager.
Columbta Htgh SchC'OI's "F1ghting Tigers" roared and.clawed through the•r 1951 season undefeated
It was the ftrst undefeated Ttger team smce 1932 and the ftrst conference champions m seventeen
years. The Ttgers were then under the tutorshtp of Hobart Hootser, now asststant coach at the Uni-
versity of Fla.
In the '50 season the Ttgers were knocked out of the number one spot by arch rival Live Oak
Wtth this thought 1n mmd the wearers of the purple and gold went mto the season with thoughts of
When they reached the last game o(the season w1th Ltve Oak they were backed up by n1ne stra1ght
After the smoke of battle had cleared the Tigers had won their Homecommg tdt by a score of 33
to 0 and Columbia Htgh School was the new NORTHEASTERN CONFERENCE CHAMPION.
The Ttgers lose the serviCes of their co-captams, Gene Cox to the University of Ga. and Lamar Ellis
to the Umvers1ty of Fla The Untverstttes of Stetson. Fla State. Vanderbilt, and Ga Tech are still bid-
dtng for the servtces of other outstanding sentor Tigers. Ralph Tyre, James Boyette, Stanley Anders, and
Weston Coleman all have a bright future m store for them tn college football So let's go Ttgersl