Page 61 - chs-1953
P. 61

~ibrary Club

                  The  L1brary Club is  made  up of volunteer  library  workers  from  the  mnth  through  the  twelfth
              grades.  It meets once  a month.  Its obJeCtives  are  to  1nsure  proper  a1d  to all  students  and  promote  in-
              terest  in  the L1brary.  Th1s year  for the  first  t1me  academ1c cred1t  IS  bemg g1ven  to L1brary Ass1stants,  in
              hopes of repaymg  them  for  the serv1ce  and  t1me  they have  g1ven  to  their school

               Seated,  Left to Right:  Sharon  Jackson,  Pres1dent;  Betty June Boyette, V1ce-Pres1dent;  Audrey Ann Car-·
                   ter,  Secretary;  Dav1d  Biggs,  Treasurer,  Mrs  Lawrence,  L1brarian.
               Beginnmg at Left: Janelle Carroll,  Daisy Waldron,  June  Boyte,  Martha  Bennett,  Betty  Purdy,  Frances
                   Jenkms,  Ph1ll1p Damp1er,  Charlot:e Thomas,  Ann  Croft  W. C  Adams,  Suz1e  Crawford,  Helen  Rose
                   Curry,  Kathenne Bryan,  K  C  Tro.vell,  Naom1  Pearce,  Mary Hmes,  Dorothy  Page,  Helen  Elzey,  Ap·
                   pol1ne  Hodges,  Del1a  Larramore
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