Page 63 - chs-1953
P. 63
F rst Row Orman Meeks I Ramond l. Laura June Mershom Uuana J, Rosalyn Mclendon ( Rostta J, Sybd
Langston !Teresa) Ltnda Arnod !Ltndal. Naom Pearce !Eienal, Suste Crawford (Susttpl.
Second Row Wy!ene Flemtng (Marta), Thelma G lbert llsabell, Peggy Philyaw !Margantal, June
Boyte ( I sa bell. 1 ern Thompson (Teresa). Haze Shaw lT eresa). Patsy Ruth Ha rns ( Manana l, Joe
Lambert (Pepel. Jtmmy Thomas Uatmel Regg~e Lev..1s !Antomol, Patsy Shepard !Patr.Cial. Ann
Bradley (Anal
Thtrd Row Mornson Melton (Carlos), Mart1ce Wtse (Panchol, Phyllis Dawsey (Mana), Walter Smtih
Uorgel, Mtss Ondtna Lombardero !Sponsor! Buddy Bedenbaugh (Anton ol, Marttn Regtster (Ra-
monl, J1mmy Btggs !Dtegol, Carle,m Langston lCarolinal, Btl! Eilts !Guillermo), Steve Nettles
(Esteban). Alwood Jensen (Alberto l
Th·s year the members of the Spantsh Club, under the dtrectton of the1r sponsor. Mtss Lombardero.
have worked on several prOJects, the1r ma1n one betng the ratstng of money to ftnance a trip to Talla-
hassee tn the Spnng 1n order to parttctpate n the Spantsh Weekend, a statewide educat1onal acttvtty
sponsored by the Spantsh Department of Flortda State Untverstty.