Page 149 - chs-1966
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                     ~ JAMES EDGAR HOLLL 'GSWORTH
             "Do  not  put off unto  tomorrow  what can  be put ofj till  dav-afrer-t.omorrow
                 -   -                 111St  as well."
               oy Scouts 1.

                                  JAJ\'IS  IRE:'\E HUDSO
                  "Sometimes quiet, sometimes shy, but the rest of the time-oh my!"
             Para-Medics 1.2,3.
                               JOYCE JAN  ETTE HUDSO
                     "Be cheerful and gay;  life is grand if you live it that way."
              Student  Council  1;  F.H.A.  1;  Library  Club  2;  Para-Medics  2;  Tri-Hi-Y
              3,4; Pep Club 3; V.O.E.  Recording Secretary 4; HR Secretary 3.
                              CHERYL LA  E  "SHERRY" HUFF
                         "Earnest in her work;  wholehearted in her play."
              F.H.A.  1,2; Annual Staff 4;  V.O.E. 4.
                           CLAUDE ROBERT "BOBBY" HURST, JR.
                               "Men like this make the world."
              Boy Scouts 1; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Basketball 2;  Beta Club 3,4.
                                 DARRELL A  N JOH  SO
                     "Not too  loud to be annoying; not too quiet to be boring."
              Spanish Club 1; F.H.A.  1;  Para-Medics 2;  Pep Club 2;  Transfer 3.
                                  JERRY LEE JOHNSO
                        "I belong to  a union; my books are closed at night."
              F.F.A. 4.
                                  LI  DA CAROL JO  'ES
              "It's  not  what  I  do  that  bothers  me;  it's  when  I  get  caught  that  there
                                       is  difficulty."
              Para-Medics  1,2.3.  Treasurer  2;  Girl  Scouts  1,2.3.4,  Treasurer  2,  Presi-
              dent  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  2.3.4;  Historian  3,  Chaplain  4;  Tiger  Staff  2,3.4;  Junior
              Editor  3;  Latin  Club  2.3.4;  Pep  Club  3;  Girl  Scout  Roundup  3;  Annual
              Staff  Photo  Editor  4;  Library  Club  4;  Honorable  Mention  Science  Fair
              2;  Good  Sportsmanship  Essay  Winner  1;  A.F.S.  4;  Chairman  Junior-
              Senior Prom Decorating Committee.
                              PATRICIA A  N "PATSY" JO  'ES
                            "A kind heart is a fountain of gladness."
              Band 1,2,3; V.O.E. 4.
                            ROBERT THOMAS "BOBBY" JO  ES
                       To worry little, to study less,  is my idea of happiness."
              Tennis 2,3,4.
                 WALLACE MALCOL  1 "MAL" JOPLING, JR.
                 "Generous, big hearted, and kind; a better friend you'll never find."
                           Basketball 2;  U.S. Congress Page 3; Hi-Y 4.
                               FRA  'KLIN WAYNE JORDAN
             "Always  full  of  fun  and  laughs;  'Fatty  Wayne'  is  a  well-liked  member
                                       of ottr class."
             Football 1,2,3,4; Tri-Hi-Y Mascot  1,2.3,4;  Beta Club 3,4;  Hi-Y 3,4;  Explorer
             Scouts  1,2;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Top  10%  Senior  Place-
             ment  test;  Florida  Legislature  Page  1,2;  "Best  Blocker  Award"  4;  Letter-
             man Club 4;  Boy's State 4; Class Vice-President 2.
                                   LARRY GA  'DY JOYE
                                  "  10ST COURTEOUS"
                    "Reason is  not measured by size or  height but by principle."
             Band  1.2,3;  Boy  Scouts  1,2,3.4;  Top  20%  Freshmen  Test;  Key  Club  2,3,4;
             Corresponding  Secretary  4;  Football  2;  Beta  Club  3,4,  Treasurer  4;  Per-
             fect  Attendance  3;  Annual  Repres  ntative  4;  Senior  Steering  Committee
             4;  American  Field  Service  Committee  Chairman  4;  Top  10%  Senior  Place-
             ment Test; Baseball 4.
                                GOLDIA SPARKLE KAPES
                             "There is a lovely sparkle about her."
             Tri-Hi-Y  1.2.3,4;  .irl  Scouts;  F.H.A.  1;  F.T.A.  2,3,4;  Pep  Club  3;
             Annual Staff 4;  Library Club President 4.
                          WESLEY R    'DOLPH "RA  'DY" KEATON
                              "I need 110  instincts but my own."
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