Page 237 - chs-1971
P. 237
Faculty Directory
Mr. Roy Adkins - Middle Ten- Mr. Leland Braddock - Ar- Lite ratu re, Compos ition ,
nessee kansas State Un ivers ity , Journalism , and Publica-
State Unive rsity , B.S. and M.S.E.; Drivers' Education . tions.
M.A. Degrees; Modern Bi-
ology and Human Physiol- Mrs. Gail Buchanan - Lake Mr. George Dekle - University
ogy. City Community College , of Florida , B.A . History;
A.A.; Teachers-Aide. World History.
Mr. Irwin Adler- Unifes
Mrs. Doretha Burgess - Mr. James Ell is - Troy State
F.A.M .U. , Tuskegee Insti- University, B.S. and M.S.;
Mr. Roy Adkins - Middle Ten- tute, F.S.U., and University Principal.
nessee State University , of Illinois, M.Ed. ; Chemistry.
B.S . and M .A . Degrees ; Mrs. Leila Evans - Hampton
Modern Biology and Human Mr. John Burgess - Florida A Institute, B.S.; Typing .
Physiology. & M University, B.S.; Voca-
tional Agriculture. Miss Patricia Finch - Florida
Mr. Irwin Adler - University of State University, Bachelor
Florida, B.A. Degree; Biol- Mrs. Colvin Carter- University of Music Education; Boys
ogy and Math. of Florida, B.A.; Junior En- Chorus , Girls Chorus ,
glish and Composition. Mixed Chorus, and Human-
Mr. William Agrella - Florida ities.
State University, Bachelor Miss Edith Carter - Lane Col-
of Music Education; Band lege, B.S. Business Educa- Mrs. Barbara Foreman - Flor-
Director. tion ; Business Math, Typing ida A & M University, B.A.;
I, Personal Typing, Busi- Junior Engl ish .
Mrs. Charlotte Anders - ness English .
F.A.M.U. and Indiana Uni- Mrs. Sue Franklin - East Car-
versity, B.S. and M.S.; Guid- Mr. William Castles - Tennes- olina University, B.S. ; Al-
ance Counselor. see Technilogical Universi- gebra I and Math I.
ty, B.S. Health and Physical
Mr. Richard Anders- F.A.M .U. Education; Physical Educa- Mr. " Gator Pete" Fresneda -
and Indiana University, B.S. tion and Health. University of Florida, B.A.E.;
Spanish .
and M.S. ; Physical Educa-
tion. ' Mr. Hugh Chasteen - Lively
Vocational , Volusia County Mrs. Narvilla Germany - Co-
Vocational, Armed Forces lumbia High School , Teach-
Mr. Kenneth Baker- Universi-
Institute; Electronics. er-Aide, Physical Education
ty of Florida, B.S.E.D.; Phys-
Ics and Math II.
Miss Phyllis Christie - Co-
lumbia High School ;
Mrs. Linda M. Bell - Richard- Mr. Pace Getzen - Baldwin
son High School; Teacher- College, Agricultureal
Equipment Technology ; Di-
Aide, Work Study Program .
Mrs. Patricia Clark- Florida A
versified Mechanics I & II.
& M University, B.S.; Home
Mrs. Frances Blay - George Economics.
State College for Women, Mr. Thomas Grubb- Ball State
B.S.; Advance Placement Mrs. Margaret Collins - Geor- University, B.A. in Counsel-
English and Junior Engish. gia Southern, B.S. Social ing and Guidance; Guid-
ance Counselor.
Studies; World History, So-
Mr. Albert Bouie - F.A.M.U., ciology, and Psychology.
B.S. and M.Ed.; American- Mr. Jack Haltiwanger - Uni-
ism vs Communism and Mrs. Anne Dekle - University versity of Florida, B.A.E. ;
World History. of Florida, B.A.E.; English Vocational Agriculture.