Page 239 - chs-1971
P. 239
Mr. Glynell Presley - Bethune Mr. Richa'rd Romine - Jack- Mr. George Swearengin -
Cookman, B.S.; Driver Ed- sonville State University, University of Florida, M.Ed.;
ucation. B.S . ; Biology, Football , History and Social Studies.
Mr. Paul Quinn - Jacksonville Miss Judy Walker - Union
State, M.A.; Physical Edu- Mr. Robert Simmons - Jack- University, B.A. ; English,
cation. sonville State Univers ity, Speech, and Drama.
B.S. ; Physical Education. . I
Mr. Dennis Joseph Ramirez - Mr. Harold Wilder - Eastern
University of Florida, B.S.; Kentucky University, A.B.;
Mrs. Marilyn Smithy- Valdosta
Basic Math and Plane Ge- Art I, II, Ill, and IV.
State College, B.S.; English.
Mrs. Adelene Williams - Au-
Mrs. Barbara Snipes - Val- burn University, B.S. ; Work
Mr. Jack Rankin - University
dosta State and Lagrange
of South Florida and Uni- Study Lab.
College, A.B.; U.S. History
versity of Florida, B.A. and
and Americanism vs.
M.Ed.; Assistant Principal. Miss Marilyn Willis - Universi-
Communism. ty of Florida, B.S.E.; fl;.c-
counting , Business Law,
Mrs. Louise Ring - Radford
Mrs. Catherine Snyder - Uni- Business Math, and Record
College and University of
versity of Florida, B.A. in Keeping.
Florida, B.S. ; Home Eco-
English; Language Arts.
Mrs. Elizabeth Witt - Secre-
Mrs. Sara Louise Rivers - Mr. Jerry Stancik - University
University of North Carolina of Florida, Bachelor of Arts; Mr. Hanson Wright- Florida A
and University of Florida, World History and American & M University, B.S. and
B.A. and M.Ed.; Guidance History. M.A.; English.
Mr. Don Storms- University of Mrs . Doris Zedaker - East
Mrs. Barbara Romine - Menlo Florida, B.S.; Special Edu- Tennessee State University,
High School; Teacher-Aide. cation. B.S.; Typing I and II .
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