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Mrs. Frances Ha rkleroad - & M University, A.B.; Lan- versity of Florida, A.B. and
East Tennessee State Uni- guage Arts. M.Ed. ; Algebra II and Cal-
versity, B.S.; Sophomore culus.
English. Mrs. Barbara Lawrence -
University of Tennessee Mr. Harold Morgan - Slippery
Mr. Earl Hill - Pfeiffer, B.S. and Peabody College, B.S. Rock State, B.S.; Driver
Health and Physical Educa- in Education and M.S. in Education.
tion; Physical Education. Library Science ; Librarian.
Mr. Donald McDuffie - Jack-
Mrs. - Carol Ann Holcombe - Mr. William T. Lawton - Wof- sonville State, B.S.; Algebra
Southeastern Louisiana ford College, B.A. ; Distri- II and Senior Math.
University, B.A.; Physical butive Education.
Education. Mrs. Judy McElroy- Columbia
Mrs. Floda Lipscomb - Sher- High School ; Secretary.
Mrs. Janice Jackson - Brad- man High School, Teacher-
ford High School - Teach- Aide. Mr. Mack McQuaig - Electro-
ers-Aide. Mechanics.
Miss Ida Leland - Florida A &
Mr. Wayne Hollingsworth - M University, B.S.; Physical Mrs. Meriba Ogden - Florida
University of Miami and Education. State University and Uni-
Arkansas State. B .S .E. ; versity of Florida, Bachelors
Drivers' Education. Mr. Eddie Joe Long - Univer- and Masters; Vocational
sity of Florida, B.A.E.; Pro- Office Education.
Mrs. Elzina Jenkins - Florida ject D.E.
A & M University, B.S. and Mr. Robert Oppermann - Uni-
M.Ed .; Vocational Home Miss Jennie Diane Lunsford - versity of New York and
Economics. Trevecca College; Teacher- University of Buffalo, B.A.
Aide, Language Arts De- and M.Ed.; Assistant Prin-
Mr. Andy Johnson - University partment. cipal.
of South Florida, B.A. ; Ec-
onom ics and Record Keep- Mr. Arthur Marsland - Florida Mr. Harry Parker - Auburn
ing. Atlantic University, B.A.; University, M.S. in Educa-
U.S. History and American- tion; Physics and Physical
Mrs. Valworth Jones - Florida ism vs. Communism. Science.
A & M University, B.A. and
M.Ed.; U.S. History. Mrs. Ola Lee Means - Valdos- Mr. Leslie Parsons- University
ta State College and Uni- -of Southern Mississippi and
Mr. Richard Kahlich - Florida versity of Florida, A.B. and University of Mississippi ,
State University, B.S. ; Work M.Ed.; Latin and French . B.S. and M.C.S.; General
Experience. Math, Basic Math, and Math
Mr. Jim Melton - Florida I.
Mrs. Ferne Klapper - Univer- Southern, Virginia Poly-
sity of Florida, B.A.E.; En- technic Institute, and Uni- Mrs. Annie Parnell - Florida A
glish. versity of South Florida, & M University, Masters in
A.B.; D.C.T. Education; Library Service.
Mrs. Lois Knudsen - Bob
Jones University and Uni- Mr. Charles Mobley - Bethune Mrs. Donnie C. Parnell - Flor-
versity of Florida, B.A.E. Cookman, B.S.; Geometry. ida A & M University, M.Ed.;
and M .Ed .; Exceptional Typewriting I and II.
Education. Mr. James Montgomery -
Davidson College , B.A ., Mrs. Mary Phillips- Livingston
Mr. Robert Kahn - Jackson- B.D., and M.A.T.; U.S. His- State University, B.S.; Bi-
ville University, B.S.; Intro- tory. ology.
duction to Biology.
M r. George Moreshead - Mr. Rod Pope - University of
Mrs. Bettye Lane - Florida A Gordon College and Uni- Florida, Masters; Vocational