Page 195 - chs-1975
P. 195
ginca reercl ubsbeginca r
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rcl ubsbegi nca reercl ubs
11 T utors for the 1.971,-75 term are Aun
Adam.,, Cynthia A udenon, Pa ul Arnold,
Steplwuie Bennet, Wayne Bessinger, Robiu
Bickel, Augela Blocke·r, Peter Bondi, Jua n
Bogys, Craiy Bowe11, Chip B rabson, Melinda
Brown, Val ice Caldwell, To na Ca rswe/l,
Vir·kie Carter, Delan Casou, Susan Cowell,
La ura Christie, Duvid Clogg, Gweu Cochrau,
Cynthia Collin.,, Clayton Cooper, Theresa
Gray, Denise Cribbs, Terry Ctdlison, Debbie
Disbrow, Susa 11 Duce, David Duckweller,
Students interested in working with
Ricky Dicks, Carol Dunu, Gary Faircloth,
elementary children can really enjoy Aunie Flo wers, Barbara Fluelleu, Theresa
the CHS tutorial program. A good Freemun, Clam Hair, Lynu Harden, Darlene
Hu word, Michael Herbert, Ru ndy Hobhs, E.,-
grade ave1·age and a willingness to
ter Horton, Kaye Hugyius, Shirley Jenkius,
work are the qualities that tutorial Ronald Jernigan, Dora Johnson, Peggy Jones,
coordinator Mrs. Barbara 8-nipes Shirley Jo nes, Bessie Kel.,ey, Kathy Koon,
Kerri Koon , Mark Lee, Selma Lens, Hattie
looks for in high school students. The
Murk, Terry McCllw, Dave McGlcwey, Pam
majority of those chosen student-tu- Merritt, Murk Muton, Carlu Milton, KC{)'ell
tors, go to Melrose and Eastside ele- Pettiboue, Bonnie Philpot, Ti na Powell, Ki m
Pur.,er, Puuli uda Ratl(IJ, Sharon R entz,
mentary schools. On a one-to-one Elizabeth Riley, Ten·y Rodge1·s, Ernest Rowe,
basis, each tuto1· teaches a 30-min'nte Betty Su u nders, Alexauder Sheppard, Brenda
class during their study hall. Sheppard, Phylli~ Si1n1nin.,, Mo nica Smith,
John St. John, Beth Splichal, Darleue Spurl-
iny, Jt~dy Thompson, Frankie Varnum, Sha-
Sticking dummies for practice shots ron Walker, Cindy Wull, Bertha Watt~,
George Whitaker, Debbie Wooley, Gloria
and spending long hours at hospitals Wright, and Rhoudct- Wright. 21 Health Ca-
are just afew ofthe things the health reer Club members are Sandra Benton, Val-
oriented students do in Health Ca- lice Caldwell- Vice Presideut, Rocky Mans- 191
field, B ruce Nicely, Bre11cla Sheppard-
uers Club. This club is fast growing President, Diau e Sims, a11cl Doruthy
in membership. Ti llllnO/lS.