Page 190 - chs-1975
P. 190
scultivateideasfa rmers
erscultivateideasfa rme
Future Fanners of America teaches
1:deas to a young willing farmer.
Leadership, ability and cooperation
are a few of the many things needed
to be a successful fanner. This CHS
club was well represented at the Na-
tional FFA Convention in Kansas
City, Missouri and at the state con-
vention in Daytona Beach.
Farmers of tomorrow are HaTry Andrews,
Cary BargaT, WilbuT Bates J1·., Tommy
Beasley, Pa1'is Blair, Martin Boone, Terri
Boston, Craig Bowen, Dennis Bozzuto, Laurie
Bozzuto, Mark Bozzuto, Stanley Brown,
Tommy Burris, Carlton Bt<ssey, Donald Bus-
sey, Tim my B ussey, Joe Butcher, Tony Cason,
Elaine Chandler, Rodney Cook, Candy Cooper,
Malcom Dees, Kevin Dicks, Willie Dicks,
J immy Disbrmv, Mark Driskell, Jody Espen-
ship, Kenneth Feagle, Mike Ha rrell, Tom
Harrington, Tommy Hollingsworth, Mike Hu -
bers, Tony Jordan, Pat Kalinoski, Clifton
K irby, Bruce Koon, Mark Little, Perry Little,
Phillip Little, Brian Lumbert, Paul Martin,
James McDonald, Ka rl Mincks, Sam Minter,
Bud Moody, Mike Nelson, Bruce Nicely, Caroi
Nicely, Loretta Nodes, Pat Ohmen, Bernard
Olds, John Osburn, Sam Ottinger, Clifton
Parnell, J.B. Pan-ish, Dale Peeler, Velina
Peeler, Mike Pepper, Leroy Reed, Howard
Register, Mike Register, Richard Register,
Billy Richards, Ray Richards, Timmy Rogers,
Walter Rogers, Walter Rossin, Johnny Sell- ·
ers, Leroy SheTrod, Ronald Smith, David
Spradley, Michael Thomas, Terry Thomas,
Ronald Thompson, Mike Tice, E. W. Todd, Da-
'Yll Tomlinson, David Tomlinson, Rodney
Tompkins, Randy Tyre., Fmnkie Varnom,
David Weiffenbach, Anthony Williams, Ran-
dall Willis, and Susan Zimmerman.
11 A unique float was entered in the home-
coming parade by local FFA chapter. 2/FFA
officers, Randy Jo nes- President, Do nald
Dicks- Vice President, Je1-ry Nettles-Secre-
tary, Steve Nail- Treasurer, Tony Brannon-
Chaplain, David Man n-Reportu, and Don-
ald Wood-Sentinel "shoot the bull" with .spon-
sors Mr. Jack Haltiwanger and Mr. Royer
Hadley. 31 Members of the 74-7.5 F tdure Form-
ers of America.
186 Future Farmers of America