Page 199 - chs-1976
P. 199

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                                                                                       Distributive  Education  is  a  program
                                                                                       of  instruction  in  merchandising,
                                                                                       marketing,  and  management.  This
                                                                                       trains  students  for  careers  in  retail-
                                                                                       ing, wholesaling,  and  service  areas.
                                                                                       D. E.  students must complete all sub-
                                                                                       jects  required  for graduation, along
                                                                                       with working a minimum of 15 hours
                                                                                       per week.

                                                                                        1.  Row  1,  I  to  r  Theresa  Burney,  Kay  Bryant,
                                                                                        Terri Mikell, Patti Laxton, Velina  Peller. Row 2,·
                                                                                       I  to  r  Mr.  Albury,  joe  Starling,  David  Har-
                                                                                       rington,  Quinton  Carter,  Billie  Thomas,  Billy
                                                                                        Gray,  Alvin  Shaw,  Debbie  Merritt,  Sharon
                                                                                       Spence, Peggy jones, Mary Ann Ammons, Mr.
                                                                                        Lawton.  Row 3,  I to r Clinton Bell,  Mike Cox,
                                                                                       Delano  Spradley,  Rusty  Depratter,  Danny
                                                                                        Brown,  Frank  Dowdell,  Ronnie  Norris,  Wyatt
                                                                                        Myers,  Sue  Ann  Norris,  Nelson  Evans,  Randy
                                                                                        Nash,  Randy  Alsup,  David Attkinson,  Danny
                                                                                       Attkinson,  Kathy Hilliard,  Kenneth  Stutzman,
                                                                                        Diane Killibrew,  Cindi Carter, Nancy Zedaker,
                                                                                        Loriann  johnson.  2.  Evelyn  Pottgen  and  Lee
                                                                                        Coone  are  always  ready  to  serve  you  at
                                                                                        McDonalds. 3.  Looks  like  Peggy jones  could
                                                                                       get  lost  in  all  the  files  at  the  V.A.  Hospital.
                                                                                       4.  Phillip  Rossin,  finds  time  for  basketball
                                                                                        when  not  working  for  Sunshine  Electric.
                                                                                       5.  Delano Spradley looks like he knows what
                                                                                        he is  talking  about.  6.  I  to  r Nancy Zedaker,
                                                                                        Vice  President;  Terri Mikell, Secretary.  Row 2,
                                                                                        Kenneth  Stutzman,  Treasurer;  Randy  Alsup,
                                                                                        Historian; Sue Ann Norris,  President.

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