Page 203 - chs-1976
P. 203
Exploring the Known
and the Unknown
Molecules, Atoms, and People fuse
into one with the Science Club. Lake
City is well known for producing
winners in the State and Regional
Science Fairs. The Science Club
sponsors the local science fair and
sends the winners to the regional
and state fairs.
4. Row 1, I to r Lori Hansen, Vice President;
Lamar Williams, Sgt.-at-Arms; Kathy Gilmer,
President; j oe Montgomery, Treasurer. Row 2,
I to r Steve Williams, Secretary; Andy Brabson,
Reporter; Mark Clark, and Claude Mathews,
State Science Fair representatives. 5. I to r
Dan Page, Ronnie King, Kim Guffey, Lori Han-
son , Lamar Wi lliams, Kathy Gilmer, joe
Montgomery, Andy Brabson, Steve Williams,
Paul Rucinski. Row 2, I to r Mrs. Burgess -
sponsor, Robert Tyson, Dolphus johnson,
Ronnie Nicholson , Darrell Suddeth, Kelly
Bo uscher, Steve Marsee, Steve Bouscher,
Mark Clark, Mrs. McDuffie. Row 3, I to r jerry
Shelton, Henry Sconyers.
Science Club I 199