Page 178 - chs-1978
P. 178

Miss  C.H.S.  spotlight catches Senior Style


           Could it be that Miss  C.H.S.  is  caused
           by  spring  fever,  or  is  spring  fever
           caused by Miss  C.H.S.? Who  (with  the
           exception  of  Mrs.  Gause)  could  tell,
           with  13  frantic  girls  dashing  around
           the campus singing, dancing and smil-
           ing their way into the hearts of all Co-
           lumbia  High.

           The  excitement  builds  from  the  very
           start. Throughout rehearsals there are
           all kinds of tears and jeers,  and a new
           zit or two  until at last  we  reach  a  cli-
           max  when  a  new  Miss  C.H.S.  is

           1976-Miss C.H.S.  Wendy  Welch
           Host-Janice Bishop,  David Whitaker

                                                      The  5 finalists-Beverly Brown,  Vivian  Bradley,  Lisa§chrieber, Audrey Green,  Sandra  Curry.

                                 First-runner-up,  Beverly Brown                    Second-runner-up,  Lisa Schrieber

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