Page 243 - chs-1978
P. 243

Taking  Off On  Early  Admissions!

     Kimberly  Marie  Hoffman,  be-  At  Lake  City  Community  Col-
     cause of her zealous ambition,   lege,  Kim  is  taking  general
     is an  early admissions student  science  and  math  courses,
     at  Lake  City  Community  Col-  with  English  and reading,  too.
     lege.  She plans to major in  Ele-  She really enjoys  working  as a
     mentary  Education  and  minor  teacher's  aid  at  the  Public
     in  Early  Childhood.  Kim  hopes   Kindergarten.
     to  teach  in  Lake  City  or
     Gainesville. She is going to  fur-  For  Kim  Hoffman,  this  has
     ther  her  education  at  Florida   been  a  prosperous  year  to-
     State  University  and  then  the   ward  her  future.  We  wish  her
     University of Florida.          the  best of life.

                                    Fly me! Kim  has her pilot's license and soars to  the  clouds at her whim.

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