Page 278 - chs-1978
P. 278
Spanish Club
The Spanish Club is formed to pro- 1st row-Lisa Shaw, Kellie Wollford, Nancy
mote an interest in the Spanish lan- Bai/don, Jackie Lee, Pam Taylor, Gwen Atkin-
son, Blaine Wheeler, Hansen Summons, Sa-
guage by learning about its history lina Gobel, 2nd-Debbie Blackwell, Debbie
and culture through varied activities Murray, Susan Baildon, Kim Barned, Susan
which bring the Spanish culture to Revles, 3rd-Richard Menedez, Greg Miller,
Karine Miller, Marion Gray, Susan Thomas,
the lives of the students. Spanish is Pam Register, Gina Cabins, Williams Smith,
an important language for the 4th-Susan Roberts, Joyce Wainwright, Lynn
people of Florida to know since McQuatters, 5th-Cheryl Bessinger, Betsy
Teusher, Linda Chasteen, Cheryl Bessinger,
much of our heritage is from Spain. Melanie Sylvey, Natalie Knight, & Miss Sprin-
Such activities are car washes, a ner, Club Sponsor President-Cheryl Morris,
trip to St. Augustine, Bake Sales, Pi- Vice-President Brett Markham, Secretary,
Melanie Silvey, Mary Ann Norris, Sergeant-at-
nata Party, and a trip of course to arms-Alan Johns, Betsy Teusher, Trea-
Mexico. This lets the students see if suer-Natalie Knight. Social Chairman-Lynn
they really learned their Spanish. Chassteen, Social Co-Chairman-Lynn
McQuatters, Historian-Tom Tuttle
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