Page 294 - chs-1978
P. 294
Out Of
Columbian talks people listen. When its time to and have it back on time. The Co-
work you can count on her. Fea- lumbian Staff, a strong alliance that
Staff tures editor. 1977-78 . Peggy does what needs to be done, a de-
Peele-A person of few words? Not manding group that exercises their
on your life. Gets her point across. power to think and the art of in-
This ruthless and stern gang known Not afraid to speak her mind. "Fer- novation. A great bunch to work
to the student body as the Colum- mez Ia bouche?" Never! Copy edi- with but I wouldn't cross them.
bian Staff have made themselves tor. 1977-78. Marjorie Weiffen-
known by expressing 100% determi- bach-0/d reliable. The brains Left to right: Branda Fraser, Sharry Camper,
nation along with a sense of getting behind the caper. A gal with the ten- Karan Cooper, Maryellen Etheridge, Audrey
Green, Tammy Boutwell, Backi Thomas,
things done, no matter what! dency to do good at whatever she Cindy Baskette, MaryJaan Atwood, Marjorie
Throughout the year their outra- does. Ready and willing to help the Waiffanbach, Lisa Bass, Melissa Ataway, Val-
geous capers led to many an inter- gang at all times. Underclassmen aria Canaday, Loria Bondarano, Paula
Lackey, Dean Williams, Kitty Kennedy, Joe
esting story. Their loyal ringleader, editor. 1977-78. These five members Morrison, Richard Collins, Darren Hollifield,
Mrs. Diane Harrison, led them in along with the rest of the staff put Peggy Pea/a, Lisa Kirkland, Jackie Martin,
their gallant effort to make a spec- forth great efforts in their quest to Linda Patry, Bonnie Gerlach. Not Pictured
Sharry Morrison, Shelly Baisden, Carole Ki-
tacular yearbook. For some, this pull off the greatest caper in the his- nard. 2. Tana Duckett and Bonnie Gerlach
electrifying experience began in tory of C.H.S. To make a yearbook Editors.
Gainsville at Publications Short-
course. But a few members of the
gang had previously experienced
the battles of publishing a yearbook.
The big five are the main ingredient
in the plan.
Tana Duckett-A leader in her own
time. Mrs Harrison's # 1 hitman, hit
woman? Always has a quick answer
to all the questions. She's Guerry's
gal. Co-editor. 1977-78. Bonnie Ger-
lach-A/ways talking to her main
connection, Peg. Involved in every-
thing. Barrys her man. The God-
mother of the gang. Has charm for
getting things done, so what if she
doesn 't do it. Co-editor 1977-78.
Lisa Kirkland-A/ways hustling. On
the move. Quick Kirk. When she