Page 272 - chs-1979
P. 272
Solving Today's Problems For Tomorrow
To most people, math is just memo-
rizing formulas and learning of theo-
rems. Math is actually an essential part
of our lives. If we know math, we can
balance our checkbooks, figure our in-
come tax, and figure out the interest on
the brand new car. When we are in
class, we may gripe and grumble be-
cause the teachers give so much home-
work, but in the end, we will appreci-
ate our slavedriving teachers .
Department heads are: South campus,
Mr. Flanagan and north campus, Mrs.
Michael Flanagan Debbie Lee
Marjorie Alyouni
Sandra Bishop
Anna Maria Chaloupka
Dawn Coxe
Dennis Dormady
Michael Flanagan
... "' Carol Martin