Page 170 - chs-1982
P. 170


                              Kt!y Club membt!rs ore: Hal Akins. Paul Antol. Tim  Darnell. Allen Drlnklt!y, Frt!d Duck. Craig Childs. Shoun  Hordt!n. Robt!rt Lt!e, Kt!rry  Miller,
                              Fronk  Moore, James Osburn.  Donny  Petty,  Jeff  Plummer.  Mitch  Ronsonet. Terry  Scullt!y,  and  Brad  Whet!lt!r.

           Key  Club  Is  sponsored  by  the  Lake  C1ty
           Kiwanis  Club.  The  purpose  of  the  Club  is  to
           develop the character of todoy's young men.
           Key club sponsored running the game boll to
           Live  Oak  Members  also  furnished  refresh-
           ments and served as hosts at CHS Open house.

                                                     Key club  officers  ore:  Hal  Akins.  president,  Jeff  Plummer.  vice-president· Shoun  Harden.  secretory:  Kerry
                                                     Miller.  trt!osurer: Mitch  Ronsonet. sgt . ..Qt..Qrms: Fronk  Moore.  porllmentorlon:  Robert  Lee,  board member.

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