Page 173 - chs-1982
P. 173
Members ore David Oenron. Richard Cole, William Curry. Trammel Kic s. Kenr Plercher. Drion Guerry, John Hadley, Greg Harden. Joe K rby,
Wallace Klrchlngs. Andy Nerrles Ric y o ·ca n. Alan Par • Mike Pope Drenr Raymer. Ronnoe Register. Mi e Young. Timmy Roberrs. John Yeager,
Mike Roberrs. Rufus Croff Belinda Nerrles. Tim Hembry. Dennis Freemon. Kenny Thomas. Dorrell Brinkley, Andy Doone . Michael Peococ . Denver
Whirley, Dennis Howell. Anrhony Free. Tevis Goy, Duddy Rowe. Scorr Kir man. Raleigh Sislrunk. Darrel Cason. Tommy o ·sreen. Joe Dares. Scorr
Volenrlne, Randy Pills Jeff Russell, Andy rouse Rex Morrin. Robbie Camper, Richard Keene Shelley Porter, John errles. Dwayne ash. Paul
Me e rhen. Artoe Des erre Johnny Mauldin. Robbie Hughes. Allen Feog e. Timmy Roberts. Oerh Mason. Johnny Morrison, Allen Doorwrighr. Missy
Jefferies Donny Perry, Guy Burlingame. Jock Craig. Kevin Raymer, Ric y Clark Roy Deprorrer. William Beasley.
Officers ore Ronnie Reglsrer. presldenr: Joe Dares. vlce.presidenr: Drenr Raymer. secrerary: Wallace Korch ngs rreasurer; Shelley Porter. reporrer.
Future Formers of America is for those students who ore interested in the field of agriculture.