Page 176 - chs-1982
P. 176
The Cooperative Business Education Program helps
students receive school and on-the-job training in
secretarial and clerical work.
Members ore. Down Anderson. Morris And rson. Korhy Boker, Powck DelL P.oy Carmichael, Greg
Corler. Tina Clark. lsolh Coker. Troy Crews. George Delk. Amanda Oenlon. Adam Douglas. Druce
Douglas. Cindy Ellloll. P.ondy Fluellen. Ang e Foe. Mary Fosler. Theresa Goble. Orenda Horrell. Harold
Ingraham, Scoll Johns. Michael Jones. Kelvin Kelsey. lorle long. Timmy lorner, Don Miller. Cohrles AI
Mimbs. P nny Moores. Scoll Moores Parry Morrison. Koren Oglesby. James P.eed. Sharon P.owe,
Fronk Souclnek. P.oberl Terrell. John Thomas. Tommy Wilkerson
CDE raking II eosyl
Down Anderson, presldenl: Theresa Goble vlce-presldenl: Cindy
Elllol. secrelory: Tommy Wilkerson, treasurer: Sharon P.owe, sgf.