Page 177 - chs-1982
P. 177
Officers ore: Carl Huggins-president, James Osborn-vice-president: Juhe Smith-secretary: Crissy Carver-treasurer: Teri Orice-parl'mentar.
The Distributive Education Club of America provides
training in retailing. wholesaling and other services.
Members of DECA are required to work a minimum
of fifteen hours a week.
Members are Tyvan Anderson, David Benton. P.uby Blanks Terry Orlce, Darlene Ourch. ormo
Durnham. Terry Caner. Chrissy Carver, Julie Coker, Patricia Davis Lori Green. Everett Harrington Ailsa
Harris. P.lcky Harrison. P.oger Herdegen. P.oy Horne, Carl Huggins. Karen Jacobs. Trent Lacy, P.lchard
Lawhon. Dean Maclaren. Katherine Martin. Greg May, William Mills. Tim Morgan. Steve Murray,
Charles H eley, Belinda Nettles James Osburn. Tom Ostendorf. Phillip Parrish. Shelley Porter, Martin
Proveaux. Timmy Toberts Tim Shaw, Mary Jane Sherrill. Julie Smilh. P.oben Sm1th, Denise Stalvey,
Darlene Srrlckland and John Thompson.