Page 109 - chs-1985
P. 109


                      Row  I  •  Chevalla  Yates,  V1ce-pres1dent  of Publi  Relation  ;  Wanda  Allen,  Parliamentarian;  Annette  Power  .  e~;retary;  Traci
                   Banni  ter,  Vice-pre  ident  of Profe  ional  Event  - Ro  2  - Tina  Wilham  ,  Vice-president  of Program  of  Wor  .  Apn   heppard,
                   Trea  urer;  Delmou  Wallace,  Vice-president  of  ProJect  ;  LISa   tt,  Reporter,  and  Rae  Wilker on,  H1  tonan.

                                                                                   Ro   I •  pon  r  Celestene Levy  D1on  Brown, Willette
                                                                                Gamer,  Chevalla  Yate ,  Wanda  Allen,   nnette  Power  ,
                                                                                 andra  Waters,  Rae  Wil  erson   ponsor  Patricia  Clark  -
                                                                                Row  2 - Li  a  cott, Delmou  \\a, lace.  April  heppard, Levi
                                                                                 heppard,  ' ata  ha  Kirby,  Pamela Ar ua,  Fran Chn  tin  n,
                                                                                Marcia  Webb,   ponsor  Elzina  Jenkin  - Row  3  - Jane
                                                                                 hnner,  Tina  Williams,  Ronda  .Maxwell,  Carol  Hutchin,
                                                                                Trac1  Banni  ter,  Caretta  Bryant,  and  Marvin  Kirby.
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