Page 110 - chs-1985
P. 110
French Club
Row I - Carol Wise, ponsor; cott ameth, prel>ident; TerCl>a G , Trea urer • Ro 2 • David Edward ,
ergeant-at-Arm ; Keri \ielton, ecretary; and Lisa Workman, Vice-pre ident.
Senior Members - Row I - ancy
Booth, Susan Lewis, Jeff Searcy, Bruce Fike,
Kathy Smu, Barbra Atwood, tefame
Martin, Ricky George - Row 2 - Robtn
Vinzant, Pam Knapp, Rachael Myer ,
Ruthie Thoma , Kathy Wehrli, Jay Veal,
Pam Mello, Angie Creamer, Michele Gilel>,
Sponsor Carol WISe - Row 3 - Soom
Knudsen, Steve elson, ancy Kazmier ki,
Kathy Berryman, Marjo Turner, Amanda
Couchon, Stephanie Daruels, Pam Keen,
Cheryl Ros1er - Row 4 - Tracy Holling -
worth, Brett Rummery, Mark Robinson,
Mike Antal, Teresa G , StaCie On o,
Brad McRae, Brad Smithy, and Scott