Page 114 - chs-1985
P. 114
Beta Club
Ruthie Thoma , Pres1dent; Sooni Knud en, Vice-pr 1dent; Brandi Payne,
Trea urer; and .lam~ Lee, ergeant-at·Arms.
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Row I - ponsor Wanda Gause m Knudsen, Kathy Wehrli, Amy tevenson, Pam Knapp, Kim Whiteside,
Ruth1e Thoma . Tina W~tberry, L orne Cason, Laune Ban ton, Barbra Atwood · Row 2 - Jeff earcy, Patty Will ,
M1chael Lee, Bnan 1cholson, Matthew Morri , Lisa Thompson, Li a Taylor, arab Cheryan, Jame Lee • Ro
3 -Scott ameth, Vick.1 iera, Wendy taten, Pam Clark., Robert Morn , Dav1d Edwards, Ken Melton, Brad mithy,
Apnl Brooks - Row 4 - Lizette Trespalaciou , Stephanie Hinckley, Amy Hine , Linda Mar , Cindy Clement •
Kathanne Cae ar, Ead1e Church, Brandl Payne, and ad1a te-Marie.