Page 62 - chs-1985
P. 62
French Club 10, 11; omputer lub 12; 1\iancr 1. Kazm1er k1 Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, 12;
Homecommg ct1v1t1e I 0, I I, 12; Prom tudent Council Repre entative I 0, 12; pani h Club II, Trea urer 12; Art Club
Committee 11; FBL 12 CH 0 II, 12, 'ecretary II, Corre- II Keyette I 2
·pondmg ecretary 12: Florida Junior
Cherie Ellen Hodge cademy of cience I I, 12: Homecoming Li a C. Lamott
FBL 11; CB 12 ctivitie I 0, I , , 12; M u !ph a Theta 12, FBLA II; D T 12
Trea.urer I , French lub 10, II, 12;
Wayne Holliday Usa C. Lampp
Computer lub ecretar 12; Ke)ettes 12;
Robert Hnl/ing "-Orth enior Ia. Play 12 David Larramore
Darre I llen J<..een Carrie Derina Lar on
TraCJ Holling worth D CA 12: Homecoming Activitie II, 12
FBL 10, French Club 11, 12; CHAO VIC 11, 12
12; Interact 12, Community ctivity
Pamela D. Keen tephanie C. Lawrence
Chairper on 12; J Cheerleader I 0; Homecoming ctiv1tte 10, 12; HO A
Var ity Cheerleader II; Tiger Ma. cot 12; Trea urer 12; FBLA 12; French Club 12 Michael D. Lee
Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, 12, emor Beta Club 10, II, 12; Mu Alpha Theta
it 12 Dori Rena Kmg I 0, 11, ergeant-at-Arm 12; Key Club
FH II II, Homecoming ctivitie I 0, II, 12;
u an Waydine Holloway k1t I 0, at10nal Honor ociety I 0;
Jerri Lee King Woodmen of the World Hi tory Award
Pamela Clenita Holton II: Boy tate ominee 11: PRID
FBL 10, 11; HO A 12, weetheart 12; Odie L. King Award in ocial tudie 12
Beginning Band II, Intramura Tenni 12
Wretling 12: 12
lame Ferdernand Legree
heila Yvette Horne Jenmfer 1 Kirby
HO 12, FBLA II, 12; Homecoming u an L. Lewi
Opal Chri tine Huggin cttv1tte 10, 11, 12 French Club II, 12; Choru 10, II, 12;
Band 10, 11, 12; FBLA 10, 12: Girl En emble 10, II, 12; En emble II,
Homecoming Activitie I 0, I I, 12; Marvin Enc Kirby 12, tudent ouncil Repre entative 12:
Majorette 10, 11, 12 JROTC Color Guard 12: FHA 12 Girl Ba ketball 11, 12; Keyette 12;
dvi ory Committee 12: Computer Club
lame Humphrey "'ata ha Kirby
12: Homecommg Activitie 10, 11, 12;
VICA 11, 12; FFA 12 tudent Adv1 ory Committee 11: Marine Intramural port II
\1echanic weetheart II: rt Club II:
Carol ue Hutchin
FH /Hero 12 Michael Chatt Lim
Regma Kay lame Pamela Jo Knapp JROTC 10, 11, 12; Rifle Team 12; VICA
Var ity Ba etball I 0, II, 12; Homecom- Majorette I 0, II, 12. tudent Council 12; Homecoming ctivitie I 0, II, 12
ing Court I 0, II, 12; Homecoming Queen lternate I 0; at10nal Honor oc1ety I 0,
12; FH II; I Dare You ward II; William M. Lipthrott
Who' Who 12; All Conference Ba ketball II, 12; Beta Club 10, II, 12, french Club Homecoming ctivitie II, 12: DECA II,
II, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12 CH 0
II: Beta Club 12; Keyette 12: Computer Hi torian 12
Awarene Club 12 12; Keyettes ecretary 12; Mo t Out-
tanding Ma orette I 0; Homecoming Clayton C. Lovett
Mark Edward Jarrard Activitie I 0, II, 12, Homecoming Court Paul Gerard Mabile
VICA 11, 12; OCT 12 (CECF); Art Club 12; Who' Who 12, em or Cia Play 12
pant h Club II, 12; Key Club 12;
Leigh E. Knight Homecoming Activitie 1 I, 12
Choru 10, II, 12; Vocal n.emble II, 12
Don Jo e Jeffer Kenneth 1. Mace
Football 11: Ba ketball 12 Michelle T. Knighton
Homecoming Activitie 10, II, 12: HO A Renita Deni e Mack
Alfred John on, Jr. FHA 10, 12
II, olleyball I , Homeroom Reprc cnt 'l
.Warvin L. John on tive II: CHAO 12, emor it 12 Kimberly Deni e Malone
FFA 10, 11, 12; Track 11; Football 11; David Brent Knott
Computer Club 11; Homecoming CliVI- Gregory Bryan Mann
ties 10, 11, 12; JROTC Drill Team 10, 12; Rhonda L. Knowle Concert Band 10, 11, 12; Jazz En emble
JROTC Color Guard 10 FBLA II; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Keyette 10, II, 12; Marching Band 11, 12;
12; Hnmecoming Activitie II, 12 Homecoming Activitie II, 12
Mary Margaret John on
OCT 12 Windj Sooni Knud en tephanie Renee Martin
tudent Council Repre entative I 0, II, CBE 12: French Club 11, 12; FBLA 12
Peggy A John. on 12, Beta Club 10, II, Vice-pre ident 12; teve D. Martin
Honor oc1ety I 0, II, ice-pre ident 12; J Football I 0; French Club II: Var ity
Anita herrell lone HAO I 0, Junior Repre entative II,
Choru 10 II, 12: pani h Club II, 12 A i. tant Trea urer 12; French Club I 0, Ba eball 10, II, 12; Homecoming ctivi-
tie 12
II, 12, Vice-pre ident II Keyette
Garrett ardell lone
Pre ident 12; Girl State ominee II, Melody Latricia Mathew
J Footba 10; Ba etball 10, 11, 12
Mis CH Conte tant, ir t runner-up II; tudent Council Repre entative II, 12;
Michael L. lone CH MaJorette II, 12; Homecoming Mixed Ensemble 12, Girl En emble I 0,
VICA II, 12; FFA 12 Activitie 10, II, 12; French Competition II, 12; Mixed Chorus 10, 11, 12
- uperior 10; Chemathon II; Mu Alpha
Supora Y. lone Theta I 0, II, 12, Vice-pre ident 11 Ronda T. Maxwell
FBLA 10, II, FHA 11, 12, Trea urer II;
Charles Patrick Kattau Cmdy 1. Kohn Intramural oft ball 11; Beginning Band
JROTC Color Guard 12 11
Kirsten D. Krahn
Concert Band I 0; Marching Band I 0, II: hannon Leigh Mayfield