Page 65 - chs-1985
P. 65
Choru 10, II, 12; En emble II, 12; 12; FBLA II Rae Ann Wilkin on
Homecoming Activitie II, 12; enior Keyette 12; FHA Hi torian II, 12;
Delmou Dewayne Wallace
Play FBLA 10; Spanish Club 12; Homecoming
FBLA Bu iness Manager I 0, 11; FHA Activitie 12; enior Cia Play
Gary Howard Sweat Vice-pre ident 12; D T- ECI· President
12; Member of Vocational Advi ory Tony Randall Wilk
Mary yke Committee 12 FHA 10
lame Lonnie Tanner andra Walter Brenda Lee Williams
DCT 11, 12; Homecoming Activitie II,
David Charle Terrell Darryl C. Ward 12
VICA 10, II, 12; FFA 12
Kimberly Renee Ward Janette Lee William
Luther Terry tudent ouncil Repre entative II; oft ball I 0, 11; Intramural 11, Pre ident
French Club I 0; Homecoming ourt I 0; 12; Computer Club 12; VICA II;
Ruben Howard Thoma Homecoming ctivitie I 0, II; tudent Homecoming Activitie 12; Homecoming
Ruth Ann Thoma Council Alternate 1 0; B 12 kit 12
Majorette 10; French Club 10, II, 12; Anthony Wa hington Ja on Wayne William
Beta lub I 0, II, Pre ident 12; , ·a tiona I Band 10, II, 12; VICA 12 FFA 10, 11, 12; Football 10, II, 12
Honor ociety I 0, II, 12; M u Alpha
Theta II; FBLA 12, Reporter 12 tudent Daniel Aron Watu Marc Williams
ouncil Pre ident 12; Keyette 12 School
dvi. ory ommittee 12; Who's Who 12; Donald Water Patrie a Williams
Choru 12; En emble II, 1 2; Editor of the DECA 12
Tiger 12, French onvention II M1 Mary Carol Water Tma Bermce William
CH econd Runner-up II; Girl State FHA/HERO I 0, 11, 12; FBLA 10 Student Counc1l Repre entative 10, 11,
II, Who' Who Among American High Carlton Watkin 12, Intramural Staff I 0, 11, Vice-
chool tudent ; Homecoming Activitie pre ident 12; FHA HERO ice-pre ident
10 II, 12 Kathy Wehrli 12; Dancing Tigerette II; Keyette 12;
Beta Club I 0, 11, 12, a tiona I Honor Manager Ba ketball Team II, 12
Tammy Juanita Thomp on ociety I 0, 11, 12; M u Alpha Theta I 0,
CBE 12 II, 12; CHAO I 0, II, 12; Florida Junior Patricia Ann Will
Band I 0, 11, 12, Librarian II, Secretary
Academy of c1ence I 0, II, 12;
Glenn Ray Tillman, Jr. Homecoming ActlVltie I 0, II, 12; Mi 12; Beta Club 10, 12; Mu Alpha Theta
VICA 10, II, 12 12; Computer Club 12, Keyette 12;
CHS Pageant II; Computer Club 12; Spani h Club II, 12, enior Play;
Ronald Dwayne Timmon Keyette Officer-At-Large 12, chool Homecoming Activitie 2
PRIDE Award for Math and Sc1ence;
Teddy Lyndell Tomlin Di trict PRIDE Award for cience; Mitchell Scott Wil on
French Club II, 12, Semor Cia play;
LJZette IlvJa Tre palaciou Girl State Participant II A/willie Yevette Winton
Student Councll Repre entative 12; Beta Choru 10, 11, 12; Vocal En emble 11, 12;
Club 12; FBLA 12; pani h Club 11, 12; Robert Wendel Dancing Tigerette II; Lady Tiger
Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12, Marching Band Ba ketball 11, 12
I 0, 11; Concert Band I 0, II; FBLA Bettina We tberry
ecretary 12; Keyette 12; Computer Club at10nal Honor oc ety I 0; Beta Club I 0, Mary Regina Withey
12, Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, 12 II, 12; Beta Chn tma Party 10, II, 12;
Homecoming ActlVltle 11, 12 Homecom- William Gregory "Chuck" Wood
Raymonda ue Trolinger ing kit II, 12, enior Play; Keyette CHAOS 12; Golf I 0, 11, 12; Interact 12;
VICA ecretary 11 Vice-pre ident 12, Computer Club 12 Homecommg Activitie 10, 11, 12
MarJOne Ann Turner Timothy L. We tberry ancy Elizabeth Woods
DECA 12; FFA 12; Art Club II; VICA 11; FHA/HERO 12
John B. Underwood Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, 12
Retta Michelle Woody
Amta Vaughan andra Leigh Wheeler FBLA 10; Band 10, 11
pani h Club II, 12; Keyette 12; tudent Council Representative I 0, 11;
Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, 12 FBLA II; Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, Milton Woolfolk
12, CBE 12
John Albert (Jay) Veal, Jr. Rebecca Lynn Worthington
tudent Council Repre entative 10, Craig Roger White Art Club 11; French Club 11; Computer
Alternate II, 12; French Club 10, 11, 12; Club 12; Homecommg Activitie 12
ar ity ootball 10, 11, 12; Honorable Kimberly ue White
Mention All-Conference I 0; All- Gregory Thoma Wright
Conference Kicker and Honorable Men- Wendy Mar hann White Meli a Tamara Wright
tion All-Conference Punter II; All oft ball I 0; JROTC 10, 11, 12; Cheerleader 10, 11, 12; Choru I 0, II, 12;
Conference Kicker and Punter 12; Third FHA/HERO 10, 11 FHA/HERO 11
Team All- tate 12; Who' Who 12
Kimberly Ann White ide
Robin Veromca Vinzant Majorette 10; at10na1 Honor oc1ety 10, Georgia Yeomans
FHA 11
French Club 10, 11, 12, pecial Olympic 11, 12; Beta Club 10, 11, 12 FBLA 12;
Volunteer 11; Homecommg Activitie 12 CBE Vice-pre ident 12; pani h Club John Henry Young
Vice-pre ident II; M u Alpha Theta 11, Band 10, 11, 12; VICA 12
Bryan Wachob 12, Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, 12;
Mi CH Pageant 11 Rotoundo Young
Keith Wachob
Dawn Chn tme Wiley Shandra Antionette Young
helia Michelle Walker French Club 10; HO A 10; FBLA 11;
CBE 12; Homecoming ctivitie 10, 11, CBE 12; Choru 10, 11 Robert Paul Zmak