Page 63 - chs-1985
P. 63
Kenneth W. Mayo ompetttton uperior Rating 11; Interact Volunteer pecial Olympics 10, II ;
FFA 10, 11; VICA 10, II, 12; pani h I 0; Tiger taff II; Boy tate 12; enior Homecoming it 10, 11 ; Yearboo and
Club 11; Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, Cia Play 12; Who' Who Among • 'ew paper Staff 12
12: Weightlifting 11, 12; Track I 0, II American High chool tudent 12
Amy D. Perry
Bobby Lee McClain Chri'itopher H. eeley tudent Council Alternate 10, Repre en-
Concert Band 11, 12; Marching Band 11, D T II, 12, Trea urer 11 tative 11; Homecoming Activitie 10, 11,
12; JROTC 10, 11, 12, Rifle Team 10 12; Drill Team Dancer II; D CA 12
teven M. elson
lame Alligood McCol key French Club 10, 11, 12; Computer Club Julie D. Perry
Librarian 12; Publication Staff II, 12, Mixed Choru I 0, 11; En emb1e 12;
Judith Ann McDavid Photographer 12; Homecoming Activitie Florida All- tate Concert Choru 12;
10, II, 12 M u ic Award II; Band Bra Section I 0,
Liboria S. McDonald II, 12; Drum Major 11, 12; Homecoming
Timothy Michael Nettle Activitie I 0, 11, 12; kit 12
Alexa Bly McDuffee
Homecoming Act vttte 10, 11, 12; FF A
tudent Council Repre. entative I 0; I 0, II, Parliamentarian 12; FFA ubdi - onya Perry
Homecoming Activitie 10, II, 12; Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, 12; FBLA
trict Competition I 0, II, 12; Di trict
pani h Club 11, 12; omputer Club 12 11, 12; Interact 12; Art Club II
om petition I 0, 11, 12; Di trict om peti-
Richard McGlew tion II Angenleana Rocheala Powers
Gregory ewton DECA 11; DCT 12, Choru 12
Angela D. McGuire
Computer Club 12; Keyette 12 Patricia Ipper Robert V. Po"'er . Jr.
ICA 11, 12; Ba eball 10, 12
Ell worth 1. McGuire Pamela Lynette , orman
Band 10; Choir 11, 12; JROTC 10, II, Homecoming Activitie 12; CBE 12 Gerald Duane Quinn
12; Wre tling 10, 11, 12
Michael Carl orri \fary Letha Rauler on
Patricia McKee Tran fer rom Lafayette High chool, tudent Council Homeroom Rep I 0, 11,
Homecommg Activitie 10, II, 12; Lafayette, Loui iana pani h Club 12; 2; Art Club ecretary I 0; CBE 11,
pani h Club II, 12; Keyette 12; Cia Ke:y Club 12; FBLA 12, Homecoming Pre ident 12; Mi CH Pageant 10, II;
P a:y 12, at tOnal Honor octety I 0 kit 12 Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, 12; Vo-Ed
Advi ory Committee 12; oice of Demo-
Janet L. Me eill Michael E. Odom cracy Fir t Place 11, Di trict Third Place
Homecoming Activitie 10, 11, 12; VICA 11: Columbia Teacher ' A ociation E ay
Thoma Bradley McRae 11, 12; BaebaliiO, 11 winner 11
Jo eph L Mead Albert Johnny Ogletree John Anthony Raymaker
FF 11, 12 French Club 10, 11; Homecoming kit 10,
Pamela Mello
tudent Council Repre entative II; Richard 1 Ordaye 12; CHAO ar ity Wre tling 12
Interact 11, ecretary 12; French Club II,
12; Tennt Team II; Homecoming Karen A. 0' teen Fannie M. Reed
Activitie I 0, 11, 12 JROTC 10 II. 12; Girl ' Drill Team I 0: FHA 10, 11; HO A 12
HO A 12, Chaplain 12; FBLA 10: Katherine Diane Regi ter
Amy . Mile HoMecoming Activitie 11, 12 pani h Club 11, 12; FBLA 11, 12;
Tonnja Milligan Gina F. Ottinger Homecoming Activitie I 0, II, 12
Robert L. Mixon Ill andra Register
Ronald Edward Owen HO A 11, 12; Homecoming Activitie II,
JROTC 10, II, 12, Rifle Team II, 12, C CF 12 12
Public Relation Officer 12; IC I 1, 12;
Computer Club 12 lame D. Park Kimberly 0. Rentz
Homecoming Activitie 10, II, 12; FFA Choru 10; CBE 11. 12; FBLA 12;
Monica Claire Morri II, 12; ICA 11. 12; DECA 12; Homecoming Activitie 12
French Club 10, 11: Interact 11, 12; Homeroom Alternate 12
Tenni Team 11: Homecomtng cttvttte Me!J a L. Rentz
10, 11, 12; FBL 12; HAO 10, II, 12 Carla Paulmeno HO A 11; DCT 12
Tran fer tudent: VICA 12
Carrie Lynn Morton ara \fagdalene Revel
Brandi L Payne HO A II, 12; Computer Club 12:
Morri /bert Myer Beta Club ecretary 12; CHAO 10, II, Homecoming ctivitie 11, 12
Band 10; FBLA 11, 12; Mr. FBLA II, 12; French Club I 0, II; Interact I 0; oice
12; Homecoming cttvtties II, 12; of Democracy Conte t 2nd Place 12; Freddie L. Richard on
pani h lub II, 12, ew paper Layout Intramurals 11, 12; ICA 11, 12; HO A
Chemathon II; French Convention 10
Editor 12; Yearboo Layout Editor 12: 12
DCT 12 Patricia Pearce
I CA 12, Homecoming Activitie 12 hianna Riley
Rachael . Myer,
Homecoming Activitie I 0, 12; Tiger Timothy M Pearce Machon Robert
Marching Band II: French Club II, 12; JV Cheerleader 10; Var tty Cheerleader
Computer Club 12 Jeffrey amuel Pear on 11, tudent Council Repre entative I 0;
VICA II, 12 Homecomtng Activitte I 0, II. I 2: Lady
cott Conrad ameth Tiger oft ball I 0, II, 12: Lad) Tiger
Key Club ecretary II, Vtce-pre ident 12: Mary Katherine Peele olleyball 12; FF A weetheart 12; Who·
French lub I 0, II, Pre tdent 12: Beta Homecoming ctivitie I 0, 11, 12, French Who 12; Yearboo taff 12
Club I 0, 12. tudent ounci Repre enta- Club 10, II; Interact 10, II, 12, tudent
tive 10, 12, CHAO 12; Homecoming Council Alternate 10, CHAO 12; David M. Robert on
Activitie 10, II, 12, tate French Var ity Tenni 10, II, Cia Play 12; JV Football 10; Var ity Football 1 I. 12: