Page 198 - chs-1987
P. 198
Row 1- Patti Good on, pon or; Alexi Pittman, weetheart; Kelli Holling worth, ergeant-at-
rm; Jennifer Dudgeon, Vice-Pre ,ident, tact McGee, International Activitte hairman-
Row 2 ·Annette Ogden, Pre tdent; Lon Howell, ecretary, Laura Virgtl, ommunity Activi-
tie Chairman; David Dudgeon, Trea urer; and Wanda Carnathan, pon or
enior : Row !- Annette Ogden, Alexi Pittman, Kelli Holling worth, Lon mtth, Jenmfer Martin, taci McGee,
Peppar Saltzman, Meli a May, Barbie Kemp, Melodye Me ue- Row 2 tephame haw, Gopal wamy, Juhe Welch,
Li a Smith, Jennifer Greene, Jenny Scaff, Paulette Ander on, Anita Thoma , Tammy Arm trong Row 3· Jenmfer
Cobb, Jeannette Martin, David Dudgeon, George Abney, Lori Howell, Diane Campbell, Cami Ander on, Laura Virgil,
and Paige Boutwell