Page 202 - chs-1987
P. 202
Future Homemakers of America
FH uture Homemaker of
meri a i a club who e main purpo e
i to develop per onal growth in family
and community involvement. FH ac-
tivitie include chapter meeting , tate
convention, public peaking conte t,
ervice project for the elderly, and
chool ervice project . FH pon or
i Mr . ele tine Levy.
Row 1 Ot1 Thomp on, Pri ident, Row 2- ngcl Pndgen, Hi torian; Darenda
Gardner, ICe-pre 1dent of Proje t , Pamela\! arner, 1c:e-pre ident of Public Rela-
tiOn , Donna 0' teen, i e-pre idcnt of Re rcatl n Rov. 3- ukc ha Young,
Ice-pre 1dent of Career ; onica Godbolt Pre idcnt-elcct; and T charna Cald-
well, Trea urer
Member : Row 1 Tina Brown, Kathy Baker, Auke ha Young, Tracie Lew1 , Pamela Warner, Angle Pridgen,
M1chele Pre ley, pon or C C Levy Row 2 Laune Herlong, April Pringle, Dee ha ooper, Michelle Galloway,
ata ha Luke, Darenda Gardner, Donna 0' teen- Row 3- Brenda R1chard , Twana Baker, Oti Thomp on, Yu-
londa Fulger, edra Jenmng , T charna Caldwell, Laurie Byrd, and Monica Godbolt