Page 203 - chs-1987
P. 203
Future Farmers of America
Future armer of America allows tudents to
Jearn about agriculture. It prepare the e tudents
to become the farming leader of America. FF A
participate in tate and community fairs. Will
Brown and Rodger Hadley are the club spon ors.
Member · Row 1 David IIi , Greg conyer , teve Regi ter, Phillip Miller, Ketth William , cott
Lt ton, Aaron ummer , Robert Glenn, Ja on Brown Row 2- Mike William , cott Crew , Mary Anne
tchole , Am; taten, Tracy Banner, tephany Odom, Marcia Pennmgton, Tracy Arth, Lt a cott, Laira
tin on, Paula Wheeler, Mark MaJzel, Ronme Palmer, Advi or Wtll Brown Row 3- dvt or Rodger
Hadley, Gar; Atkmg , Darrell Wtlliam , teve adie, Greg Hou ton, teve Ptlkmgton, Matt McKee,
Cmdy mtth, Brooke Bullard, Orlene Dtc , Tony Ander on Row 4- Charhe Eade , hannon Lyle
ubank, Bram Steele, Denm haunce;, Ron Water , Ru ell Davt , Johnny Ward, Jeff Ogburn, Mike
ollin , Bobby Cabral, teve Parri h, oah Davt , Mtke We tberry- Row 5 Rtcky Flake, LeaAnne
Bundy, Ruben Gardner, Darryl Thoma , cott Davi , Joey Robert , Brad Die , Kenny Carter, rne
Thoma , cott ettle , Andy Park, Jeff Horne, Gator Harrell, John Wheeler, Greg Patter on, and Richard