Page 234 - chs-1988
P. 234
- Fred Asta1re, who epitomized Hollywood's ele· - Jac 1e Gleason. the rotund "Great One" who ot - lorne Greene, who for 14 years played the f1rm but
gance for 25 ears dancing 1n top hat and ta1ls with laughs and nches as a blustenn bus dnver 1n the gentle father to three sons on telev1s1on"s "Bonan·
G1n er Rogers and other stars, d1ed of pneumonia in telev1s1on ser1es "The Honeymooners," d1ed In June za," d1ed 1n September at the a e of 72.
June at the a e of 88. at the a e of 71.
- John Huston, who directed such films as "The Mal· - L1berace, the ghtterm showman and p1an1st who - lee Marvm, the gravel·vo1ced Oscar Winner who
tese Falcon" and " The Treasure of the Sierra captivated fans for four decades with an Inimitable d1ed 1n Au ust at the e of 63, was remembered by
Madre," d1ed m h1s sleep in August at the age of 81. personal and musical style. d1ed quietly at his home colleagues as an actor who really was amon the
1n February 1987, at the age of 67, good guys even thou h he often portrayed the h rd·
as·na1ls ro ue.
230 World Events