Page 237 - chs-1988
P. 237
President and ancy Reagan wave to well Wishers from the South President and Mrs. Reagan greeted Pope John Paul II when he arnved 1n M1am1 to begm a
PortiCO of the While House. Rea n escorted h1s w1fe back to the n1n city tour of the United States.
White House from the Bethesda aval Hospital where sh underwent
breast cancer surgery.
The Senate reJected Pres1d nt Rea an's nomination of Robert H. Bor to the Supreme Court by
a 58-42 vote, wh1ch ended a ion contentious debate over a ud e alternately portrayed as a
bnlhant junst and a dan erous extremist.
Manne lt Col Ohver l. orth. was a ey official 1n the plan to
f1nance anti -government rebels In 1caragua with mone from
arms sal s to Iran. In testlmon before the Iran-Contra hearmgs 1n
Wash1n ton. orth became somewhat of a eel bnty.
The Thund rb1rds perform at La e Cit
DemocratiC pres1dent1al candidate G ry Hart was forced to temporanly drop h1s b1d for Show. (photo b Steve Hentzelman)
the presidency after 11 was reported that he was romantic II mvolved w1th Donna Rice.
World E ents 233