Page 236 - chs-1988
P. 236
1rb Puckett and Jeff
Raerdon of th Mmneso·
ta Tw ns celebrate their
World Ser1es victor
over the St louis Card I·
nals. The Twins won the
seventh and fmal game
of the senes +J.
0 0
r r
t I
s d
Dennis Conner, the man
who lost the Amenca's
Cup in 1983, won It bac
four years later. The
Stars i Stripes complet·
ed a 4-0 sweep over A us·
traha's Kookaburra Ill 1n
the race that too place
1n Australia
A J4-day strike by the
Fl players ended in
mid-October when the
un1on capitulated and
went to court Instead of
try1ng to fight the club
owners at the bargain-
Ing table.
232 World Events