Page 106 - chs-1989
P. 106
1. Dr. Wanda Gau e i alway ready to give
e tra help on repor . 2. 1r .. Ann Fo ter
check out orne of the cholar hip avail·
able to tudent .
The Winning Combination
Teachers Form the Backbone of Education
When the alarm around the town go off ta. k of cheduling ub titute and running t acher off to Hom room. Dean Foreman
and the tired eye are pried op n by the interference on any of the problem that
econd cup of coffee, a group of dedicated mi ht have occurr d over the night. Th
pe pie drive varying di tance to CH .. hum of th air·conditi n r and heat r
Among the fir t to arrive i Johnny Fu ger churn a. Mr. B eb keep a watchful eye on
who open th door and b gm ane\\ th the in nard of the hool plant. Mr. Opper·
care of the chool he love . haron Kirby i man crui e the parking lot and Offic r
one of the fir t teacher to pull up in the Town. end b gin hi job of k ping th
driveway and get about the k oft aching p a and the law. The computer rev up
and haring her year of experience. !\.1r . and !\.1r .. Romine and Mr .. William com get. ecretarial . taff be in the thumping of
Frankie Harkelroad come early and bu. ily in and check over the grade change and machine and the teacher pick up the
add a new po ter and that . orne thing pe- 'con. tantly changin chedule . The faculty chalk. ca t a u. picious eye over the pia
cial to her beautiful cia. room .• 'orma ~ounge fill. up and the cigarette and coffe he h made and the . chool hold collec-
m1th arnve at her de k and begin the charge faltering batterie' before endin tive breath ... the day b gin .
andra Bi hop, Mathematic
Cynthia Blair, Bookkeeper
Linda Brook , Teacher' ide
Will J . Brown, griculture
Loui e Burnette, Engli h
Kenneth L. Burt, D.O.P.
Diori Canalejo, Foreign Language
Colvin Carter, Engli h, Journali m
• orman L. Choice, Choral 'lu ic
Patricia M. Clark, Home Economic
Willi m M. Colvin, ocial tudie
Thelma Corner, Teacher' Aide
Lynn B. Count , D.C.T.
Dawn 0. Cox, Mathematic
Anne C. Dekle, Engli h