Page 109 - chs-1989
P. 109
Providing the Best Education
Skills and Experience Offered to Students
David G. Dick on, cience
Jun Dick on, ocial tudie
t:ichael Diener, E ceptional Ed.
Gene W. Fairchild, J.R.O.T.C.
Martha M. Falzone, Guidance
Wendell 0. Feagle, Driver' Ed.
Joe B. Field , ocial tudie
Michael B. Flanagan, • Ia thematic
Barbara Foreman, Director of econ-
' dary Education
Willie E. Foreman, Dean
Dr. Wanda Y. Gau e, Engli h
Jane G y, Teacher' ide
. Pace Getzen, Marine • t:echanic
• ancy Gill, Clerk-Typi t
Judy . Griffin, Librarian
Deborah Hacker, Teacher' Aide
Roger B. Hadley, .t:athematic
William . Hale, Jr., cience
France Harkelroad, Engli h
Katherine L. Her bleb, Engli h
Earl B. Hill, Phy ical Education
Jane E. Holliday, Health ervice
John E. Howell, D.O.P.
ancy . Hunter, • I athematic
Elzina L. Jenkin , Home Economic
Charleen I. Kelley, cience
baron D. Kirby, D.E.
Betty . Lane, Engli h
Linda Lee, Teacher' Aide
Emma L. Love, Engli h
Gu ie • facLaren, chool ur e
Carol D .. t:artin, • {athematic
haria • faxwell, ecretary
Johnnie B .• lerrick, Occ. peciali t
Charle E .• lobley, . I athematic
Faculty and taff Meet Daily Challenges