Page 111 - chs-1989
P. 111
~Teaching ..• r-
More Than Book
omeplace in time, the thmgs that are
learned will erve you well. It may not happen
if you g1ve so much less than you receive.
Teachen are helping you get on with your life
and trymg to give you the tools that are need-
ed to make the transition from school to job
and college. ome teachers may quietly ques-
tion the wisdom of even bothering to try for
the few that could really care less. omehow
even the doubters persevere and everyone is
at least given the opportunity of a better edu-
cation and a better Ide if they take advantage
of it. Few teacher teach that do not like the
profes~ion. Most are able to live with the low
pay and ometimes meanmgles~ ass1gnments
in order to have the pleasure of seeing that
light come on 1n the eyes of their students.
26. 1r .• tcLeran nur e am Jack on to
h alth after an injur ·.
27. Mr. ~ edberry eagerly teache' hi tuden
the fine art of exerci ing.
2 . \\'andy Young comince Mr. Peter on that
girl can learn carp ntry.
29 .. fr. Deiner talk to "Big AI" Daie .
Joyce purlock, Teacher' Aide
Kenneth H. tark, l\lathematic
nita J. teward, Bu ine
John R. Taylor, J.R.O.T.C.
Linda Taylor, Teacher' Aide
Jon. F. Thoma , Guidance
Bobby Town end,
chool Re ource Officer
Bernice . I. Varga , Foreign Lan-
l\larcie L. Vining, Engli h
Eulene . Wheeler, Engli h
• Iaureen William on, Engli h
Kathy Willi , Teacher' Aide
Jame • f. Wil on, .I athematic
Verlene Wil on, Engli h
arol A. Wi e, Foreign Language
Michael 0. Woodfin, Band