Page 114 - chs-1989
P. 114

Lunchroom Worker.: Carol ·n EIIL, Eve·
       lm Pugh,  Flo  ie  1cGuire,  Dot  Ro  ·i,
       Dot  Henlev. Front Ro~: Benita Royal  ,
       L  ona  Lovett,  Jo,ephin  Br  ~in,  Eva
       L  ary,  andra  .  nder on.  Toni  Chan·
       dler,  indy Gutft
       • 1aintenance  Per  onnel:   larence
       Green. Hattie William  , Richard Bryant,
       I  aiah Coker. Back Ro~. Johnny Fulger,
       Dougla.  Hall,  Roy  Looker,  Willard
       Cole-.,  Terry Herald,  Robert  William  .

        1r. Dou  Ia  Hall ke  p  a cheerful  mile
       even after cleaning up  orne of the me
       in the Journali  m Cia.  . Thank  for your

         Mr.  Bebee,  as  head  of the  mainte-  Mr.  Johnny Fulger  h~  brighten
         nance, has the full time job of keeping   the hall  of CH  for  many year  .
         the CH  plant running  moothly.   Hi  friendly  mile and willingne.
                                       to help have earned him a  pecial
                                       place in  many hear  .

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