Page 163 - chs-1989
P. 163
he en1or Ia ay
Jabez Thorngall (Mike Harlow) .•. moody young Lord of Brackenloch Manor
Daphne Dixon (Cathy Haymaker) ... hi weet young innocent bride
Comfort Grody (Mandi Kelly) .. . Jabez' former fiance
Glyni Pr cott (Jennifer Hin ) ..• Jabez' widowed i. ter
Alicia Goddard (Crystal Joiner) ... Jabez' maternal aunt
Mavi B aufort ( 1i y Turb "i lle) ... chatelaine of adjoining e tate
Janet Maglee h (Raquel Polk) ..• Hou ekeeper of the manor
1r . 1ou ly (Chri tie Mannin ) . . the family' longtime cook
Wilbur Yardley (Abram DeLoach) ..• a chief in pector of the police force
Andrew MacHanford (Andy Dick ) ..• the gardener/handyman
LOCALE: the parlor of Brackenloch Manor, in a de olate area of the cotti h
moor .
TI 1E: about mid·l
ACT O, 'E: late on a gloomy unday afternoon
ACT TWO: late that gloomy unday night
ACT THREE: early the next gloomy morning
D eply involved in a cene from the enior CJ play are
. 1and• Kelly and 1ike Harlow.
Per on that are in thi year enior Cla Play but
regretfully not pictured are Andy Dick and Cry tal Join-
The ca t and cla of ' 9 would like to thank 1r .
Beverly Phillip and Mr. Jim Wil on for organizmg the
play. The1r dedicatiOn and willingne will never be for-
After a long afternoon of practice, the participants in the emor Play p e gotten. WE LOVE YOU!
one more time for a group picture before heading home.