Page 163 - chs-1989
P. 163


          he  en1or  Ia                                                           ay

                                                                                      CA  T  OF CHARACTER

                                                                  Jabez Thorngall (Mike  Harlow) .•. moody young Lord of Brackenloch Manor
                                                                  Daphne Dixon  (Cathy Haymaker) ... hi  weet young innocent bride

                                                                  Comfort Grody (Mandi Kelly) .. . Jabez'  former fiance
                                                                  Glyni  Pr  cott (Jennifer Hin  ) ..• Jabez'  widowed  i. ter

                                                                  Alicia Goddard (Crystal Joiner) ... Jabez'  maternal aunt
                                                                  Mavi  B  aufort (  1i  y Turb  "i lle) ... chatelaine of adjoining e  tate

                                                                  Janet Maglee  h  (Raquel Polk) ..• Hou  ekeeper of the manor
                                                                  1r  .  1ou  ly (Chri  tie  Mannin  ) .  . the family'  longtime cook

                                                                 Wilbur Yardley (Abram DeLoach) ..• a chief in  pector of the police force
                                                                 Andrew MacHanford (Andy Dick  ) ..• the gardener/handyman

                                                                     LOCALE: the parlor of Brackenloch Manor, in a de  olate area of the  cotti  h
                                                                            moor .

                                                                    TI  1E: about mid·l
                                                                    ACT O, 'E: late on a gloomy  unday afternoon
                                                                    ACT TWO: late that gloomy  unday night
                                                                    ACT THREE: early the next gloomy morning
       D eply involved in a  cene from the  enior CJ   play are
       . 1and• Kelly and  1ike Harlow.

                                                                    Per on  that  are  in  thi  year   enior  Cla  Play  but
                                                                    regretfully not pictured are Andy Dick  and Cry  tal Join-
                                                                      The  ca t  and  cla   of  '  9  would  like  to  thank  1r  .
                                                                    Beverly Phillip  and Mr. Jim Wil  on for organizmg the
                                                                    play. The1r dedicatiOn and willingne  will never be for-
       After a long afternoon of practice, the participants in the  emor Play p  e   gotten.  WE LOVE YOU!
       one  more  time for  a group picture before heading home.
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