Page 164 - chs-1989
P. 164
Row 1 -Dana Glenn, Sophia Farmer, Tracy Salzer, Anita Ogden, Greg Kazmerski, Shane Spivey, Lorraine
0 Watson, Scott Bennett. Row 2- Jason Ellington, Teisha Nabinger, Amy Jones, Brian Williams, Sam Markha
Alex Powers, Keith Jackson. Row 3- Chamele Coe, Jim Karantinos, Kristie Davis, Tracy Haygood, Julie Ward
Steve Smith and Mike Deese Not shown: Jennifer Owens and Ben Skipper
The ideal student, how do you 1988 Fighting Tigers 9-3.
find hm? WelL each year at CHS, G.A .. S.T., J.E. Do we look like
teachers are asked to do just Sandbirds S.H .. R.A, R.F.,
that. They wrack their brains, AND C.M. The Fort White
search their souls and leave no Connection . M.P., C .C .
stone unturned in their quest for Want a Squirrel sandwich ...
the very best Sen1ors to nominate K B., Jailbird; T.H. Mouth; S.S.
for Who's Who. Chosen by a vari- Breathalyzer. BA Let's go
ety of methods, Who's Who ho- sixin' ... I was just playing
pefuls may not be perfect schol- Gig1 ... S.S. Let's go fishing
ars or eligible for a Miss Manners ... H.M. Magnum P.l. ... S.B.
award, but each one Is an exam- Weedeater ... J.K. Just fol-
ple of a well-rounded student. low my nose. E Y. The Lone
After nomination, the Seniors' Brow .. P.W. Let's skip
names are presented to their school. HEY LYNN J.T. Distin-
class and voted on in homeroom. guish yourself . . . Bronco
All of this 1nsures that Who's Who Bennett ... Skip who really is
students are not only known and your girlfriend? . . B.P.
liked by teachers, but also by their Thanks! It's up to you Joey.
fellow students. P W you're a sweetheart, I
LOVE YOUI Thanks Mom and
Dad ... Michael Sidney
Deese #73
160 WHO' WHO