Page 213 - chs-1989
P. 213

the  Right  ''Choice''

                                                                                             Mr. ,  orman Choice

                              Mi  edEn  emble acting crazy.

                                                               Choru  i  an  organization  compo  ed  of  tenth,
                                                            eleventh, and twelth grader  . It teache  the  tudent
                                                            correct vocal technique  , po  ture and give  them a
                                                            better under  tanding of the mu  ic theory. In choru
                                                            there are  everal  maller group  : Mixed En emble,
                                                            Men  'En emble, and Ladie  'En emble. Every year
                                                            the  e group  travel to different location  in  orth
                                                            Ea t  Florida to participate in di  trict fe  tival. The
                                                            group  are judged in  everal categorie  . If an overall
                                                             uperior i  given, that group then goe  to  tate fe  ti-
                                                               Mr. Choice, choral director, i  known through out
                                                            the area for  having an out  tanding choru  . Hi  ex-
                                                            cellent mu  ician  hip give  him the ability to have a
                                                            great choru  year after year.
                                                                                                    by:  John Keen

           hri  t  Garmon, Br  nd   hurch, Tr  ce  Ferger

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