Page 218 - chs-1989
P. 218




                           Row 1- Donna Outlaw, Kim  teward, Erin  a  e  Row 2-
                                                                             andy  'lorri  , Dawn  el  on, Patti Witt, Kim Pre  ton, Pam
                           Regi  ter, Kri  y  Hirtz, Tina Broi  , Tammy Hunter, Tracy Hodge  Row  3  -  hannan Dugger, Le  lie  Peeler, Recee
                           •  orri  ,  Katrina  inzant,  'lichele  Paphide  ,  Kri  ta  Kalb,  Kathleen  Gordon,  Tia  Banther, Brenda  burch,   atalie
                           .. 'Iiller,  bb.)  tuart, Peggy  'lahoney Row 4  - La uri
                                                                          'lcKinn  y,  'lichele .lobi  y,  Keri Lindqui  t,  tephanie Irwin,
               e           Traci William  , Brenda Rich  rd  , Laura Dekle,  ngela Hore  ov  ky, Amb  r  Rob  r  on,Mary  orri  , Rhonda William
                            arol Gott, Charity Brigg  ,  ngel Lumbert,  'Iandy K  lly, Li  a  o  , Cr  tal  el  on, Brand  Borge  on, Janna  'lyer,


                           Laurie McKinney - Trea urer,  Erin  Ca  e  - ecre-
                           tary, Mandy Kelly- Officer at Large, Kim  teward-
               h           Pre  ident,  Michele  Mobley  -  ergeant-at-Arm  ,
                           Donna Outlaw - Vice  pre  ident
                             They are dancing their way to the top! The  e  young
                           ladie  who make up the Dance  lub are brimming with
                           potential. The  club  wa  originated during  the  7-     The talented Mr  . Debra Wright
                           year when the dance cla  wa  fir  t offered. The  pon-
                            or i  the undoubtedly talented, Debra Wright. To join
                           Dance Club,  tudent  mu  t have a  working knowledge
                           of jazz or ballet. The club ha  had the time of their live
                           entertaining  and  amu  ing  crowd  with  their  great
                           ability. There i  no doubt that one day, one member will
                           be kicking in uni  on with th  Rockette  .

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