Page 215 - chs-1989
P. 215
A GOOD D D DAY • • •
Row 1: ry tal Joyn r, Juli Me eil, hannon Iarke, J nnifer mo, and Jimmy Burke. Row 2: Donna .lc. eil, Tara
Bradtmueller, Kim Borri , Adriene • ettle and Anita Ogden.
mo OFFI R : Donna • tc eil, Julie .I c. eil, hannon Iarke, Jennifer
mo and Jimmy Burke.
Th CH' LEO lub i the fir t LEO Club in i di tric It i upported b~ the
Lake ity Lion lub. Thi year we hav b n actively involved in the making of
Chri trna tocking for the CH Day Car enter, erving at th Lwn Club
di trict m ting, entering the Homecoming Parade, and helping at the pedal
Olympi . We are a very active club and imite anyone who· intere ted m our
community ervic . to join u next year!!
hannon Clarke
Jennifer mo ittin' pr tt in the 19 Home-
coming P rad
LEO CL B 211