Page 9 - chs-1989
P. 9

0           oe?

     Kri  ti Thoma  and  her mom  trade laugh  with Dr. Richard  . Parents came by  the  ,----------------------,
     hundred  to Open House to  how their concern and interest.

                                                                                          ugu  t  twenty- econd  came
                                                                                           nd it was time to return to ...
                                                                                   A CHOOL.  Exultation  and
                                                                                   dread  mingl  d  as  friend  e  citedly
                                                                                   greeted one  nother and audibly ad-
                                                                                   mired  each  other'  new  chool  fru h-
                                                                                   ion  . Talk quickly turn  d  to chang
                                                                                   on  the  campu .  Was  the  new  fence
                                                                     get togeth-
                                                                                   here  to keep  the  tudent'  in  or  the
                                                                                   bad guy  out?  'o one w  really  ure,
                                                                                   and  as  the  year  progre  ed,  no  one
                                                                                   really cared.  Homecoming came  and
                                                                                     The year  lid  wiftly through  our
                                                                                   finger  . 13 year  are bottled into only
                                                                                   moments - a few  preciou  and care-
                                                                                   fully  elected  memorie  which  com-
                                                                                   fort u  a  we prepare for our de  tinie  .
                                                                                   A~ the  wind.  of change  buffeted  u
                                                                                   and tried to re  hape and mold u  into
                                                                                   . omething new, we  u  ed our past ex-
                                                                                   perience  to decide if we  hould  tand
                                                                                   in the wind or look for  helter. A con-
                                                                                   glomerate of experience  have  haped
                                                                                   us for  thi  moment.
                                                                                      cholastically,  we  have  been  rea-
                                                                                   died  for  tomorrow  with  13  year  of
                                                                                   education  provided  by  people  who
                                                                                   cared and wanted u  to  ucceed.  We
                                                                                   have  tudied  diligently  and  expo  ed
                                                                                   our elve  to new  experience  ,  trying
                                                                                   to prepare our.-elve  for the time when
                                                                                   we would  tand on our own. That day
                                                                                   ha  come and although we feel unpre-
                                                                                   pared, we can feel  ecure knowing we
                                                                                   are  better  and  tronger.  We  WILL
                                                                                    ucceed  in  the world.
                                                                                                   - ML  y  Turbeville

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