Page 13 - chs-1989
P. 13

rul  and we were alwa  the Ia  t called for everything.
                                                                                     It w  that first Homecommg that really  howed what
                                                                                     w  ~ere all about. We  ;ere no longer a bunch of noth-
                                                                                     mg  ... we  were  the cl   that "'hipped the   nio  .
                                                                                     We actually won  Homecoming'! We  were   proud
                                                                                      Our Jumor year was one of growth  Our clasa kept
                                                                                     ptting larger and we all became cloeer  Homecom1
                                                                                     was  a  bttter  d188ppomtment  but we  knew  what  we
                                                                                     were capable of and tt didn't get us down for long. Our
                                                                                     classes were gettmg tougher and some of us qutt and
                                                                                     dnfted away. The seven period day seemed to get long-
                                                                                     er and more demandtng With each pustng report card.
                                                                                      Sentor year hal been the m  t special of all  We have
                                                                                     been rmt tn 80 many things ID our bnef history. It bas
                                                                                     been a  onderful year m sptte of frustrations and dt  -
                                                                                     appomtments. There wtll never be another year m our
                                                                                     life ttme of learntng that can blemiah the fun and good
                                                                                     ttmes that abounded  m the commons,  m  the lunch-
                                                                                     room, on the playtng fields and m the many hangouts
                                                                                     around our aty.
                                                                                      Tht  year hal also been a year of letting go  We won't
                                                                                     be back except aa proud alumru  We have done what
                                                                                     we could to make this a better place   me of ua have
                                                                                     complained  but ID08t  of ua JUSt  downngbt love  our
                                                                                     frieDda and our ICbool
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