Page 14 - chs-1989
P. 14
Beauty and Talent Combined With Hard
he 'H Ti erette Dance
team wa tarted in 19 3 by
T Rita trattan. he a\\ a
need for girl to have an activity,
other than cheerleading, that
would how chool pirit and pro-
vide entertainment for foot ball and
ba ketball games. Eight girl com-
po ed the fir t quad which ha.
n w e p nded to 30.
The team· popularity ha grown
teadily. pproximately 150 girl
turned out for tryout . Kay Dekle
pon. or 1 igerette. and ha. tated
that he i very plea ed with the
girl' enthu. ia m and competitive-
ne s. The uirL train and practice
the entire year and uive up mo t of
their ummer to prepare for camp
and competition. They now enter-
tain at many civic function