Page 154 - chs-1990
P. 154

VIC A           •  •  •    BUILDING

                         COLUMBIA  VICA

                                                   Chapter officers: Front Row: Andy Ellis, Chaplain; Ryan Lee, Reporter; Ricky Durrance, Parliamentarian;
                                                   and  Travis  Parker, Historian. Top  Row:  Mr. Getzen,  sponsor;  Scott  Lowen, Treasurer;  Marvin  Page,
                                                   President; and  Chris  Bonds, Vice  President

                                                   Fundamental  Power  mechanics  members  are:  Paul  Perry,  Scott  Cook,  Mr.  Duke,  sponsor;  Melissa
                                                   Pittman, Melonie  Morris,  and  Mike Pennington.

              Paul Perry is hard at work in  auto mechanics trying
              to  fix  the  engme  m his  car.

                                                   VICA  (Vocational  Industrial  Clubs  of   zation? Because VICA is designed for and
                                                 America)  is  the  service  organization  for   run by industrial and trade students. It can
                                                 those students who are enrolled  in  trade   meet their needs. Through club activities
                                                 and industrial education classes. We are   planned,  initiated,  and  conducted  by
                                                 one of the few clubs on campus who have   members,  VICA  develops  the  "whole"
                                                 members  worldwide  through  an  interna-  student -  his social and leadership abili-
                                                 tional  affiliation.               ties  as  well  as  his  skills.
                                                   Why  VICA  and  not  some  other organi-            -  Pace  Getzen

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