Page 182 - chs-1990
P. 182
Swimmers Dive Into the 90's
CHS mer from CHS, Coach Diener allowed
me to bring Rob Ravndal as a guest.
Swim team The three of us spent the night in Orlan-
do and we also visited Disney World.
My name is Yngve Walle, I'm 17 Thanks to Interact Club, who spon-
years old I live in Oslo, the capital of sored my entrance ticket therel All in
Norway. all we had a very nice trip down there
As you hopefully know, I spent the and I came in as number 5 in my heat.
school 89 / 90 here at CHS. I joined the Since I came here, I have visited
swim team in September and I went to many parts of Florida and the more I
the State Championship in Orlando to see the more I like it, especially the
represent CHS. beach. So far I've had a GREAT year
Since I was the only qualified swim- and I will miss you all next yearl
Lori Giebeig is looking " wet and wild" as she
takes a break from a hard day's swim.
A CHS swimmer dives into another
Tiger win. Coach Diener chills out with his captains Stephanie
Daughtery and Chris Waldron.
Yngve Walle represented CHS at the State Championship in Orlando
and also visited Disney World. He placed fifth in his heat.
Girls' Record 8-6
Boys' Record 3-11